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Notes: Karen finally decides to get some help for herself so she can fix her marriage while Dr.Womack tells her some concerning news and points somethings out to Karen that she had been willfully ignoring.

It was the next week and things haven't been the same since that night that Karen had came from cheating with Tyrone.

Drew wouldn't even look at her and the older kids knew that something was going on with their parents when they would find one of their parents in a separate room.

And the only answer that they would give their kids is that "everything is okay" but out of all the kids Faith was the first one to know that everything was not okay.

Now here she was quietly blaming her mother for her family falling apart.

Even, Faith couldn't stand to be around her mother for long and for that reason she would stay over at her grandma Mattie's house for most days and even dinner.

Dinner wasn't even the same and no one was laughing at the table and no one was talking or dared tried too except for Karen.

Which always ended up being a mistake on her end because Drew would end up grilling her every time about what she did as if she was one of the kids.

"Drew you don't have to keep treating me like I'm a child." Karen told him.

"Ohhh?!" He sarcastically said.

"Apparently I do since you can't be trusted." He said being petty yet kinda real with her. Drew knew and had a feeling that this was probably going to happen once he had realized who Tyrone was to Karen so he had anticipated it and tried not to go overboard. Especially with how Karen's mindset is still set up and Dr.Womack did warn them about this type of situation earlier on. So, he wasn't so surprised that it had happened. If anything he was just hurt that it did happen.

Because they was trying so hard to get Karen into the right state of mind so when something from her past came back up she didn't fall for it. But once the donut accident had happened with them, Drew knew it was going to go downhill from there because he had noticed that Karen had started thinking back to her old ways instead of progressing.

Which he remembered that a couple nights ago, Karen tried "fixing" things in her marriage by letting him use her up in bed. But it just wasn't the same. It wasn't just rough sex that they had. It was angry sex mostly on Drew's part and Karen knew this but she had allowed it happen.

This made her stay in bed for a few days and had reminded, Karen that Drew owns every inch of her body and so for her to just try to rent it out to Tyrone was just dumb on her part because Drew had quickly reclaimed what was his especially after noticing that her walk was a little off when she had came back home from being with Tyrone. But he didn't point that out he just kept watch with it making sure he wasn't too rough with her.


"AND-DON'T-YOU-EVER-GIVE-MYYY-PUSSYYY-AWAY-AGAIN!" Drew yelled at her slamming into her one by one knocking down her walls. "DO-YOU-UNDERSTAND-ME?!" He grunted shoving himself right into her making Karen's eyes roll all the way back in her head to the point where you could only see the white iris in it. "ANSWER-ME-GOT-DAWG-IT!" He said again being very dominate more dominate than Tyrone. "YESS!" Karen struggled to squeal out. "YES WHATTT?!" Drew hollered at her. "YES-YESSS DADDYYY I'M SORRY DADDYYY, I'LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN, DADDY!" Karen stuttered but she had meant it. "THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT!" Drew told her slamming into her one last time before cumming inside of her which caused her to immediately cum right after him. 

But that didn't mean they had cuddled after that it was just an understanding that no one else was supposed to ever get her body again except for him and only him.

Family Secrets 5: A Race against timeWhere stories live. Discover now