The truth

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Notes: Karen goes back home to Drew and things start to take a turn for the worse.

Once Dorinda had left out of his house speeding off Tyrone had tried to help Karen up off of the floor. But instead of allowing him to help her she had pushed him away with the strength that she had re-gained. The only reason why Karen didn't try to fight back like she normally would've done is because one she was with her sisters boyfriend/baby daddy. Two she had common sense enough to not try to fight her because if she did then Dorinda would've immediately known that it was Karen who she was fighting. Because Karen had picked up on the sense that Dorinda had blacked out with how she was swinging and coming for blood.

"Baby let me help you." Tyrone said feeling bad about seeing Karen get beaten up by her own sister. But Karen kept pushing him back.

"GET BACK!" Karen had yelled at him still spittin' out more blood and Karen was regretting that she didn't fight Dorinda back so she wouldn't be in this position.

But Karen also felt as if she had deserved it. Which was the main reason of why she didn't try to defend herself against Dorinda because any one of Karen's swings would've ended the fight right then and there.

But Karen had quickly humbled herself trying to repent for her sins.

Now here he was watching Karen struggle to get up.

"I-I could help you." He said still acting as if they did nothing wrong.

"What's wrong with you?!" Karen said spitting out the last bit of blood on his floor.

"I'm just sayin you just got your butt beat up by your sister. That's not the Karen that I remember." He said shaking his head no.

"I only let her do it." Karen angrily told him while she had weakly stood up holding the covers over her naked and bruised up body.

While Tyrone was looking at her he was examining her body seeing that she had a cut and busted lip from Dorinda with a couple of scratches to her face and her hair was a mess but he ain't know that she was wearing a wig.

"You can stay here for tonight if you don't want to go back home looking like that." He said.

"I'm already in enough trouble as it is already. I don't need to stay out even later than I already am." Karen said as she started looking for her clothes to put on but then when she had seen her cell phone she had noticed her missed calls from Drew which was about five of them.

"Ohhh nooo. No. No. No." Karen said in a panic shaking her head.

"What is it?!" He asked her coming up towards her to try to help her but Karen had stepped away from him not wanting to be near him.

"My husband called me." Karen said panicking trying to think up a lie to say to him as to why she didn't answer him or call him.

"He's gonna know something isn't right." Karen said freaking out about this whole entire situation.

"Not if you stay here." He said.

"TYRONE I'M NOT SLEEPING WITH YOU AGAIN THIS WAS A MISTAKE!" Karen hollered at him with him blanking his eyes as if he was in shock.

"I just messed up my whole entire life. EVERYONE IS GONNA HATE ME!" Karen said already fearing the worst.

"This time Drew might actually divorce me." Karen said feeling herself getting sick to her stomach because she had the audacity to cheat on Drew like she did.

"He might be done with me and I'm a lose everything and I'm a get put back out on the streets all because I fell for you again." Karen said wanting to cry but she felt as if she didn't deserve to cry. Now it was like she was gettin' ready to be even more harder on herself.

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