Evil is executed

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Notes: Karen and the family witnesses Big J's execution.


It was now April 1st and the family was headed to the maximum security prison which held the death chamber. It felt as if Karen was yet again walking into another dream. She couldn't believe that it was really happening. That Big J was going to be no more. The night prior to the upcoming "event" she was thinking about everything that man had put her through.

She had told her family mostly everything but their was just one thing that she was keeping to herself from them considering the fact that they might think that she was crazy.

She knew how it sounded. But it was the truth. Or so she had believed it to be the truth.

But here she was sitting on the bed looking at a note that Big J had wrote to her. No it wasn't an apology note or a note of closure he made that clear in it. But it was something concerning.

Something that she was wondering and he did confirm it for her in the note and while she had read the note all she could do was shake her head because she was so confused.

But it was clarity for her within it just not enough closure nor an apology which she thought she would need.

But Karen knew that Big J would rather roll over in his grave before he ever gave her an apology of how he had treated her.

It had explained somethings about their life together and about the girls which was the twins since her memory was wiped out clean from whatever he had given her the day of so they could cut the babies the out of her which was Melody and Harmony.

She couldn't believe some of the other things that he had told her but she knew that would have to stay between him and her. Or so she thought because she knew at some time today that she was going to crack. She just didn't know when.

So calling her name was now, Drew as the family was ready to go to the prison.

"You ready, Karen?!" Drew had asked his wife walking into there room looking at Karen reading the note that was sent to her from the prison (Big J). "As I'll ever be." Karen said as her head was still held down with Sparky walking in right behind, Drew.

"That dog not going with us is he?!" Karen had asked, Drew arching her eyebrow.

"Yeah he's going. He needs to go for you." Drew had told her and Karen had shook her head as if Drew didn't know what he was talking about.

"So stop acting like he ain't a big help to you." Drew told her getting his leash ready to put on him. Once Drew had did that he was waiting for Karen to go with them but she was still standing there looking at the note that Big J had wrote for her.

"Karen. It's gonna be okay." Drew said knowing exactly what she was reading because when she had received the note she couldn't bare to look at it the first time. So he had to read it to her.

Then after he had read it, Karen had needed some time to process what was just said to her.

"You're gonna be fine." Drew said re-assuring his wife while kissing her on the cheek.

So she had nodded her head getting her jacket ready to go.

So once Karen had walked out of the room, Drew had grabbed, Sparky's leash walking them out.

When they were downstairs everyone was ready to go looking at Karen.

"You okay?!" Jacky had gently asked her baby sister sensing that something was off especially since Sparky was all up underneath, Karen even though Drew was still holding his leash.

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