Peace and Harmony?

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Notes: Drew and Karen reflects on being separated for two months and Harmony speaks up...kinda.

It was two months into Karen's and Drew's separation and the kids were finally getting used to their parents new way of living. But they all had hoped that it would go back to normal soon and some of the older kids was already counting down the days to when the 3 months would be up.

They had hoped that their parents wouldn't make it four months because needless to say even though they had accepted their parents separation it was still awkward for them at home.

Especially when they would go to church and see their parents acting all lovey dovey in front of everyone knowing that affection really wasn't the same at home. Drew was right he wasn't going to let anyone disrespect Karen and the kids made sure that they didn't say anything about their parents separation out in public so they wouldn't be able to use it against them especially not their mother because they didn't want her going through anything else.

This was already hard enough for them. But not for the babies to say the least since they had enjoyed sleeping in the big bed with their mama and their daddy was no where in sight.

J.Drew loved taking over Drew's side of the bed for most nights when Ace would be all up underneath Karen not letting her get any room in the king size bed that her and Drew shared.

Which meant that every time, Drew would go into his room for something if he had needed it, J.Drew would immediately holler out "nooo" not wanting him to get in the bed.


"Nooo, noo daddy. No, daddy." J.Drew said shaking his head pointing towards the door wanting him to leave out again. "Boy this my room." Drew told his son who was trying to boss him around. "Leave my baby alone." Karen said looking at him while she had arched her eyebrow.

"Karen this little boy trying to kick me out my room." Drew told her wanting Karen to defend him but before Karen could even say anything J.Drew butted in and said, "But you not in hereee." He said trying to say "he never be in here no way" and Karen had to hold in a laugh.

"Babyyy that's not niceee. "Karen said telling him not to say that again and J.Drew just said, "okayyy" all sweetly as if he was innocent.

So, Drew had decided to mess with his son by playfully sitting on the bed just to see what he was going to do.

"Daddy nooo go to yourrrr room!" J.Drew said trying to push Drew off the bed as if that wasn't his room. "First of all this is my room." Drew told him and J.Drew was catching an attitude with his daddy quick saying his head no and arguing back with him playfully getting him all hyped up. "Now why you got my baby all riled up ready to fight you." Karen said having to put an arm around, J.Drew because he was ready to swing on his daddy for getting back into D rightful bed.

"He wasn't like this when we was at my mama house you wanted to be around me 24/7 but as soon as your mama here all you wanna do is be around her. The betrayal." Drew playfully said being dramatic and J.Drew looked his daddy right into his eyes and kissed his mama on the cheek and hugging on her and started laughing knowing what he was doing.

"You not right. You see that Karen? That's yo son." Drew said pointing towards J.Drew and Karen just had to smirk.

"My mommyyy." J.Drew said blocking Karen from Drew as if he was trying to protect her.

"Whateva. It won't be long until I'm back in here and you gotta go back to your own bed. You and Ace!" Drew said and immediately, Ace had woke up and started crying because he didn't want to go back to his bed. "Look at what you did Drewww making my baby cryyy. It's okay nana's babyyy." Karen said kissing Ace on the cheek. 

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