Coming back to life

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Notes: Karen and Drew starts to sleep back in the same bed together while their separation comes to an end and Karen works on her first sermon.

After Karen and Drew had a time with each other last night she had found the bed to be empty once again only to hear the shower running making her smile seeing that he didn't leave once it had cracked the break of dawn or in the middle of the night like he did on Valentine's Day.

So now here she was happier than ever ready for her marriage to get on the right track with her husband again. She had even felt as if she had a true understanding of what marriage was and how it was supposed to be after being in therapy and having more conversations with Drew about it instead of the convo just being a one and done type of situation.

Because for her since she had to process things a different way they had to teach her a different way and this was due to the trauma that she had faced.

It had came to the family's attention that Karen had delayed-onset PTSD when it came to the situation with Tyrone. She didn't see all the red flags there the first time even though he was clearly showing them to her. It was like her brain had tricked her in a way to where she would just simply ignore it thinking that it wasn't that bad because he wasn't like the other men in her life even though he was. Tyrone was just slick with it as some would say but if anyone had any common sense if they were around Tyrone they could tell that he wasn't up to no good.

But because of therapy, Karen had been getting extra help with identifying dangers that she desperately needs to be aware of especially when she's by herself because someone could easily take advantage of the fact that Karen didn't have that much awareness nor self-awareness and so they was working on building that up.

Once the couple had gotten ready for today Karen couldn't help but to be glued to Drew's skin. It was like she wanted to be inside of his skin today which he didn't mind because he did miss his wife's physical touch. But it also reminded him that Karen didn't know what the definition of personal space meant. It was not in her vocabulary when it came to him. That did not exist.

"Karen can you let me go for a minute?" Drew had asked his wife because he needed a break.

"Huh?!" Karen had asked him acting as if she didn't hear what he had just said.

"Unhand me woman I need to stretch." Drew told her making it clear for her since she wanted to act like she was funny.

"I can help you stretch." Karen told him just hugging on that man as if she didn't want to let him go.

"Karennn. Please for five minutes?!" He said begging for a bit of free time.

"Not uhhh." Karen said. "Karen it's not like I can run anywhere." Drew told her.

"But you trieddd." Karen told him.

"That was before I'm a changed man nowww." He told her in a playful voice.

"Mhh. Fine I guess." Karen said reluctantly letting him go and there she was acting like she was having a hard time with it while she had her hands on her hips impatiently waiting to get back on him again.

"Karen I know you not mad." Drew said looking back at his wife while he was stretching.

But Karen had looked more upset than mad sniffling her nose and Drew had tried not to laugh at her because she had looked so cute poking out her lip while pouting.

"It's not funny, Drew." Karen sniffled because he was struggling with holding in a laugh.

"Alright. Alright. I'm done stretching." Drew said folding for his wife reaching his arms out to her so Karen could get back into her rightful place which was sitting on his lap.

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