In hiding

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Notes: Karen and Faith goes into the witness protection program together after finally Karen reports Big J to the police.

It was the next week and the family had been preparing a plan for Karen and Faith to protect them. Everyone had came up with a compromise. "Are you sure he won't go after the kids?!" Karen had asked, Tory as he was going with them to L.A. since that city was notorious for taking down criminals. "I'm sure. He just wants you and Faith after the research that I've found. They'll be well taken care of and it shouldn't be long before you're back home." He told her holding her hands while Karen had nodded her head okay giving him a soft smile.

"I really didn't want to leave my babies especially the quads." Karen said looking at them while they was calming watching her with her suitcase behind while Faith was holding onto her suitcase. "I can't believe that y'all actually have to go." Nikki said sounding sad.

"I know baby but it's only for a little while until he's gone from our lives for good." Karen said while she had held onto Nikki's hands for a little bit. Then, Karen had sighed taking a deep breath in. "Okayy. I guess its time for us to go." Karen said as she had exhaled feeling bad about leaving her family but she knew it was for the best and it was only gonna be for a little while and not a long time and they knew where she would be at just not the location as of yet in order to keep that safe and secured they didn't want their phones to be potentially tapped or bugged by Big J if he had his people snooping around there home.

But before Faith and Karen had left, Karen had passionately kissed, Drew on the lips almost as if they were going to start making out right then and there with his hands slightly easing on down to her backside but it just rested on the edge of her back which was closest to her booty as he forced himself not to grip it because if he gripped then he would've been mad later on knowing that one they was already taking a break from having intercourse and two he was gonna be thinking about that non-stop. So, he had pulled himself away from her letting her go.

"Be careful okay." Drew told his wife. "And listen to them peoples don't be hard headed." Drew playfully told her making Karen smile. "I'll try my best to listen." Karen said batting her eyelashes at him knowing that she was just messing with him when she had did that.

"But no I'm for real I'll listen to them and I'll be careful. We're gonna have Tory there with us the whole entire time and he'll check in on you for us and he will give y'all updates about how we are too since we won't be able to talk." Karen said seeing that she was about to go into the witness protection program and they were waiting for her in an undisclosed place in California. After she had decided to come forward to press charges on him about the donut accident and when he told, Faith to give Karen that threatening message.

"Okay let's go." Karen said while Faith had walked out of the house first after they had kissed, Ace goodbye with him crying. Then, Drew had to pick him up off the floor because he was gonna miss his nana and his mama.

But Karen and Faith both knew that if they had looked back at him then they would never leave the house.

The only reason why the kids weren't coming with them was because it was more dangerous for the whole family to tag along than for just those two to leave. Because if anything Big J had no fear in using kids as his pawn to get to his actual target and Karen didn't want none of her other kids or grand kids in harms way because of her past.

So they did the smart thing and she had let the kids stay with both grandparents, Grandma Mattie and Mama Sheard while Drew was gonna stay at his mother-in-law house so he could relax because if he had stayed at his mama house he was gonna have to do a whole lot of work.

So he was working smarter not harder while Karen was away.

Somewhere in Los Angeles, California:

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