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Notes: Faith tells her mother about what happened.

Once Faith had gotten her memory back everything was slowly going back to normal. Instead of the fact that she had a newborn that was still in the NICU fighting for her life everyday that she was visiting. She just couldn't believe that she was born this way. Even when she didn't have her memory she had felt guilty for how her daughter was born. But now that she have her memory back she had felt even more guiltier than before because she kept going back to N'ylani and how she was born.

However she had did what her grandmother and mother told her to do which was to pray about it and give all her worries to the Lord.

When she did that it was like a burden had been lifted off of her. She had also knew that she was soon going to be giving her parents guardianship over her newborn baby as well seeing that she had still needed to focus on herself.

When she was done visiting her baby she had called the driver to pick her up still needing a moment to herself. She had wondered how her mother had felt when J.Drew and Kierra was in the NICU. And how was she able to work through it.

But not only that it was also said that she was put into the NICU as well once she had received the proper medical attention. So she was going to ask her mother about that as well.

But right before she could walk out to the car that was waiting for her a strange man had blocked her way standing in front of her nearly knocking her over causing her to catch an attitude fast.

"Excuse youuu." Faith said scrunching up face making the meanest one. "You ain't had to do all that." She said clutching her invisible pearls until she had looked up at the man who looked liked he didn't play no games.

Then something in her hand clicked to quickly apologize to him instead of her waiting for an apology from him.

"I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do all that." Faith said quickly apologizing to him and not missing a beat as she had flashed a shy smile at him feeling fear run throughout the course of her body.

When she had seen the man he was a tall, dark-skinned man with a low hair cut to where his hair didn't look that shaved down but one could tell he got it cut awhile ago and was letting it go back out. Then he had a small beard that looked to be somewhat unkept. But the way his face had looked was rough and mean and he had tattoos on his arms and on his chest as well while he was wearing a black t-shirt with a gold chain.

The upper part of his mouth he had grills in while the bottom half didn't. He also had a few of those thick golden rings on his hand mean-mugging the hell out of Faith for apparently no reason.

When Faith was examining him she had sensed something familiar about him.

"Ummm. I'm a just go." She said trying to move away from the man but he had just kept blocking her in. "Uhhh I didn't mean anything about earlier. Sometimes I talk too fast or too much." Faith said already trying to talk herself out of this situation. But again the man still wasn't saying anything and it was kinda scaring her. But she wouldn't show it.

She didn't know what it was about this man but running into him had made her want to obey him. Because she knew if she made a wrong move it was probably gonna be over for her so in order to try to smooth things over with him in hopes that he would let her leave she thought about offering him something.

"Could I get anything for you?" Faith had asked him. "It really wouldn't be a problem." Faith said not knowing who she was talking to while he had just stared her down sending fear straight through her bones.

As she had continued on keeping her hands to herself because she wasn't sure what this man was capable of it was as if his very presence had demanded fear and respect. But mostly, fear.

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