A Race against time P3

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Notes: A continuation from the last chapter where Faith gets a visit from God and his angels.

Side note: This is kinda like what I had did for Dorinda and Jacky in when the storm comes. But it's a little bit different. Almost the same concept.

It was that same night when everyone had gone home after realizing that there really wasn't gonna be a change in Faith.

The ones who was left behind at the hospital after Karen and Mattie had went home with each other was Jacky and Twinkie. Before they had left they had said one last prayer over, Faith before calling Karen to let them know that they too needed to rest up after making sure that the doctors and the nurses was treating Faith right while she was in this state.

So, Karen had understood and she had told them that it was okay to go home after they had talked about it making sure that Karen was actually okay with it.

Back in Faith's room it was as if there was nothing but silence and the machines was just slowly beeping as they were earlier after going off because of her flatlining and then having to be brought back.

While Faith was apparently resting from the stress and pain that her body was in she heard someone calling her name in a deep voice.

"Faith?!" The voice said waking her up inside of her mind and she was steady sleeping as if she didn't want to wake up until a strong force had woke her up.

"Ouchhh!" Faith hollered out as if something had hit her being dramatic even in her resting state.

"Who called me?!" Faith said turning her head around looking to see no one as she was in a dark space.

"Where am I?! And what do you want from me?!" Faith questioned the voice that was supposed to be familiar to her. But yet it wasn't because she didn't do what she was supposed to do.

"You know who I am." He said.

And then it hit, Faith and immediately she had straightened up as if she was being innocent this whole entire time.

"Ummm." Faith nervously said pursing her lips.

"You're the great I AM. Jehovah Rapha." Faith said. "The healer?" Faith asked as it was now all clicking for her or so she thought.

"You're gonna heal me right now?!" Faith said getting all excited.

"Because I can't waitttt to get outta this hospital bed I'm all stiff and what not." Faith said rambling off.

"Wait." God said making her stop in her tracks.

And, Faith knew she had to be quiet.

"Not yet." God told her. "I must show you somethings first and then you will decide on what to do with them." He told her.

"I will send you a messenger on this journey for the time that you are in here." He told her.

Then right before Faith could ask Him anymore questions it was as if He had left her.

"What you mean send me a messenger?!" Faith asked Him not realizing that He had left.

"Helloooo?!" Faith called out for Him.

But she was met with silence and she was put right back to sleep again by the Hands of God.

Moments later she was awaken again by another voice looking at a human who she could not explain, that had wings and other things that had frightened her.

"Do not be afraid, I was sent here by the Lord our God." The Angel told her.

"I wasn't ready for this." Faith lightly cried not knowing what to do. "Fear not for the Lord is with you." He told her and Faith had to calm herself down. "They ain't gonna believe thisss when I wake up." Faith said being all dramatic.

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