Youth Day P2

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Notes: The kids have youth day at church and Faith gives her first sermon and J.Drew sings his first solo shocking everyone.

It was nearing the end of the week and Faith was working on her sermon while Nikki was working on her testimony and J.Drew was at church practicing for the children's choir and needless to say all of Karen's kids had the gift of singing. When J.Drew was singing during the rehearsal all the adults were honestly shocked because of how him and his twin sister Kierra were born crack babies and were said to have speech delay because of it. But God had turned it around for the better and had proved everyone wrong.

Which meant that Karen was doing the same thing even though she wasn't preaching until next week. "I can't believe this." Faith said on the phone while she was talking Mia. "This is what I get for being good." Faith said being all dramatic about it.

"Well don't think of it as a bad thing think of it as a good thing." Mia said trying to be helpful while holding back her laughter because she knew that Faith didn't want to preach. But Mia was still going to be that supportive friend and encourage to do good because she was going to be there on Sunday as always.

Now as for Nikki she was struggling with writing her testimony because she didn't really feel like she had amounted to anything yet like Faith did. She didn't know why she kept comparing herself to Faith when she was the oldest sibling but she probably guessed that was the issue. She was the oldest one with nothing to show for it but a baby. A baby that was made against her will but nonetheless she still loved her daughter no matter the issues that came with being a single mother.

Now here she was beating herself up thinking that she didn't have anything special to share when in fact she did. She just didn't know how to put it into words.

Meanwhile Karen was trying to write her sermon for next week and things were foggy for her.

So like Drew said he would he had helped his wife when Karen had called him back into there room. "This is how you start off with writing your own sermon." Drew said sitting next to his wife at the desk he had bought for her as a desk after she had gotten her first makeup deal so she could stop doing her work on the bed.

"You have to do all that for a sermon?" Karen asked him being surprised at it and Drew had nodded his head yes. "How come the kids don't need your help?" Karen had questioned him.

"It's because they got the internet." Drew said cheesing at her. "Whateva Drew." Karen playfully said since she was still learning how to use her own laptop that she had bought. Of course it was now raggedy but it was still hers and she wasn't gonna let it go until it stopped working on her.

"Now you can use these commentaries you can draft it out and of course the most important thing is to use the Bible to pinpoint the topic and the subject because there's a difference." Drew said as he was getting out some more books for his wife.

"Not only that the title has to match with what you're talking about so everything can tie in together and so it can make sense to the people of the church." Drew told her as he was going over how a sermon was made.

"Just look at some of my notes that I've made and you can make your own from that like use it as a guideline when you start writing yours down." Drew said. "Then after that once you get everything together you can just type it all up and print it out." He said lazily shrugging his shoulders once he had went over everything with her.

And, Karen had sighed. "This is gonna be a lot." Karen said shaking her head.

"It was easier when I was on the streets." Karen said not realizing what she had just said letting the work load intimidate her which made Drew blank his eyes.

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