Toya on Trial P2

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Notes: Drew takes the stand and shed some light on how his past was and how Toya had ran her business.

Once Toya was done with taking the stand they had called, Drew up for the case and Toya's lawyer had this smug look on his face as if he was about to trip Drew up.

He was hoping that by Drew's past life choices that he made that it would affect the case working it out for Toya in order to lessen her possible sentence.

"So, Bishop." The lawyer said addressing Drew by his well-known title in order to try to make him look bad by the time the case was over.

"When did you meet, Toya?" He had asked him and Drew had quietly sighed to himself regretting the day that he had ever met the woman.

"I met her a couple of years ago at this place that I used to go. A club at first in Detroit." He said.

"She told me that she had a few locations." He continued to say. "So when I had asked her where she had gave them to me and when I would go out of town I would visit her there too." He said.

"Would you say that you and Toya were friends?" The lawyer had asked him trying to make this look good for Toya's case.

"I wouldn't say that we were friends more like acquaintances. Business partners in a way to where if I was going to one of her locations outside of Detroit she would meet me there. Like New York was her second best location. I would travel to New York a lot and would visit her club there too. But it wouldn't be dirty business because I never paid for her services in particular it would always be someone else I would pay for." He said being honest with it.

"So you had frequented her clubs or was it a random club?" He had asked him going somewhere with it.

"And not only that what type of a Bishop goes out to clubs when their life needs to be dedicated to the Lord?" He had questioned him. "Most Bishops I know detest going to clubs." He said.

"What kind of a bishop are you?!" He said shaking his head at Drew as if he was ashamed of him.

"Look, I'm not ashamed to say it but my past hasn't always been squeaky clean and I'm not gonna lie about that either. It was like going from Saul to Paul you know the story. Jesus can change your life." He told him. "You can have a testimony with an unclean past as well especially when you know that you've made a lot of mistakes that you wish you could take back." Drew said. "But that's what Jesus is all about He's all about re-deeming you if you'll only follow Him and trust Him." Drew said sounding like he was about to start preaching in there.

And, Karen was getting ready to be proud of her man trying to hold back a smile within that minute. The lawyer was getting annoyed because Drew's preaching side was coming out and he knew that people were agreeing with him because he had seen some of the jury nod their heads in agreement as if they were impressed by him.

So now the lawyer had to be careful about which questions to ask him because he knew that Drew was gonna throw in some preaching into his answers which would sway the jury in his favor and Toya's lawyer did not want that to happen at all.

"But everybody knows that I used to be the biggest man whore that wasn't no secret. Even when we were teens before everything went left the Clark's knew that I was a ladies man. Which was why I was often times sat down by their own mother." Drew said. "Because even my mother-in-law knew that I was starting to do to much because I sure wasn't listening to my own mother which I should have because let's be real who listens to their mother as a teenager?!" Drew said. 

"But Ms.Clark had got through to me when we had a conversation about what was going on and why somethings were happening or had happened because at that time I just didn't understand." He said shaking his head no. "And I had a misinterpreted version in my own head because at that time I had drifted away from the family a little bit because of my popularity. But because of the church and with them being there 24/7 there wasn't no way I could avoid talking to Dr.Mattie Moss Clark and she would call me out if I was doing wrong because no one could tell me nuthin' back then. As she would say, " I was smellin' myself thinkin' I was all that." Drew said.

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