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Notes: Karen starts to get extra clingy with her mama after telling her the truth and Faith becomes slightly jealous.

After Karen had finally told the real truth to her mother and had cried her eyes out in her mother's arms she then had a small conversation with her about moving forward. After that Karen was knocked out on the couch asleep in her mothers lap while Mattie had stroked her hair.

She had remembered times like these when Karen would lash out after being taken advantage of only to have a deep sleep afterwards.

But this was a different type of lashing out. This was Karen finally telling her truth and Mattie even felt the difference on Karen after she had went and laid down in her lap.

"My poor baby." Mattie said as she was still gently rubbing Karen while still stroking her hair. The wig that she was wearing.

It had been a since then and Mattie knew that the kids had walked in on their conversation and had left back out not wanting to witness anymore of their mother's apparent breakdown.

But Mattie knew that when they did come back home that they would have to be quiet because they had a tendency to be loud or try to lighten up the mood. However, Karen was highly exhausted from all of the stress that she had been carrying lately and Mattie knew that her daughter had needed this sleep that she was getting.

If anything this afternoon nap for Karen was about to turn into her going to sleep all early.

Because when Mattie had looked at her daughter while Karen had gone back to sucking her thumb in her sleep she could barely get Karen to move off of her so she could go stand up and stretch or to even start cooking dinner for them.

Since she knew that Karen wasn't cooking tonight after that conversation.

So everytime that Mattie would try to move a muscle or even an inch Karen would just hang onto her tighter re-arranging herself on her mother holding on tightly to her even doing a light whine because Mattie had moved.

"Okayyy my big ole' baby. Don't want me to move no where." Mattie playfully said because she knew Karen was still clingy and had her trapped.

"Your kids gonna starve." Mattie said but Karen just scooted up closer into Mattie's lap not caring and Mattie nearly, chuckled.

Mattie knew that Karen wasn't trying to move or wake up for nothing. However this was now the inner child that was coming out in Karen after the teenager in her have been healed in front of her mother.

Now here Karen was in deep sleep on Mattie not letting her move while she was sucking her thumb.

Then a few minutes later the door was open again and Faith and all the older kids had came back into the house looking around as if they had just walked in on something again.

"Grandma?!" Faith dramatically whispered all loudly.

"Where's mama at?!" Faith asked her and Mattie turned around to her shhhing her so they could be quiet because that whisper Faith had did wasn't nothing.

"Shhhhh she sleep." Mattie told her.

And, Faith had looked at her grandma Mattie like she was crazy.

"Sleep?!" Faith said all confused.

"After doing all that?!" Faith told her not understanding it.

"Yessss my baby is sleep now be quiet before y'all wake her up." Mattie told them as if they were about to get in trouble.

"Grandma I thought you were on my sideeee?!" Faith said pointing towards herself seeing that now Karen is once again wrapped around her grandma Mattie's finger.

Family Secrets 5: A Race against timeWhere stories live. Discover now