Finding Faith P2

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Notes: Faith finally comes back home only to leave again.

TW: Mentions of attempted suicide, drug usage

By the time Karen had found Faith she was in shambles sobbing to herself as she was sitting down on a ledge.

"Faith." Karen had said trying to get her daughters attention.

"Go away." Faith had told her not even looking back at her daughter.

"You don't even wanna be here with me." She said.

"I  bet you even took forever to come find me." Faith said feeling bad  about herself even more now and Karen couldn't even lie when she said  that because she knew it was true.

"See." Faith cried.

"You're even taking to long to answer." Faith told her.

"Faith I-I, I didn't mean to-." Karen had started to tell her but she had just shook her head no.

"You explain but you don't even care." Faith said knowing that was a lie but that's just how she felt.

"Faith I do care." Karen sympathetically told her.

"Why  didn't you tell me that you were feeling this way?" Karen had gently  asked her as she had walked up closer to her but Faith had scooted away  from her mother's direction and Karen had felt a little bit hurt. Faith  had done it to be spiteful because she had wanted Karen to know how it  felt even though she didn't mean to make feel that way as a mother. So  with Faith knowing how sensitive her mother was she knew how to  manipulate Karen's emotions to a certain extent but she would never take  advantage of her mothers kindness like she had done before she had  learned from that.

She was just being a little bit petty.

"Like you would listen." Faith said knowing goodness her mama would listen. But she just wanted to vent as well.

"Faith."  Karen said not knowing what to do with her. But Karen knew not to try  to get close to Faith because she knew she wasn't in the mood to be near  her which did hurt her. But she would get through it.

"I would." Karen told her.

"But mom you're always getting distracted with everything else and you got 14 kids." Faith said.

"You  don't have time to listen no more. You gotta make time. We have to make  you listen and plus sometimes you just zone out on a random day-to-day  basis like your mind be going somewhere else when we just wanna spend  time with you too." Faith told her.

"No, I don't." Karen said getting a little bit offended.

"Yes you dooo!!!" Faith said as she was starting to be childish again.

"Sometimes I'd catch you zoned out on the couch when you just be watching tv having free time to yourself." Faith said.

"Do  you know how many times I had waved my hand over your eyes to get your  attention and you didn't even realize that I was there?!" Faith told  her.

"I would be like earth to mama and I would even have to clap my hands right in front of your face and you'd just be goneee." Faith dramatically said.

"Nahhhh." Karen said not believing her.

"Mama if I ask, auntie Dorinda she'll say you do it with her too." Faith told her.

"Because I had asked her about it." Faith said.

"I  asked her if mama zones out when she's with you and she said, yeah you  do it plenty of times." Faith said and Karen had made a confused face.

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