Unacceptable P3

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Notes: Karen and Drew finishes up their lecture with Melody about bullying.

Side notes: A continuation from the last chapter.

After school was over for Melody she knew she was in for it when she was going home. She didn't know what was going on through her mind to make her bully that girl. But she had to confess to herself that she did know she did it to be more popular. She had wanted to fit in some more. She knew her mother wasn't going to like that explanation when she would ask her.

Melody had wished and hoped that Drew wasn't going to pick her up from school because if the driver was going to do it then that would've gave Melody time to try to put more clothes on her so she wouldn't feel the belt connecting to her bottom when Karen would start to whoop her.

So, Melody had two options she could either face her parents as soon as school is over or she could take her own sweet time walking out of the school. But she knew that the last one would make her mother mad to the point where Karen would walk into the school herself dragging Melody out of there and she didn't want to be embarrassed by her parents in front of her friends.

Like she already had enough of her friends staring at her mama because of how pretty she was and so she didn't need to be babied in any type of way.

Now here Melody was nervous as all out doors for the last bell to ring which was the dismissal bell and she had already seen her sister heading out to the front and when she had seen Harmony stop she had seen Drew's car pull up from afar as she was peaking her head through the window.

"Harmony where's your sister?" Drew had asked his daughter. "I don't know she usually be right behind me when the driver gets here." Harmony said putting her bookbag into the car.

"Hi mama." Harmony said greeting her mama after she had greeted her dad.

"Hi baby. How was your day?" Karen had asked her and so she started to tell her.

"That hard headed sister of yours better come on before I go in there she knows that I don't like holding up the line." Karen said because that's what was about to happen because Melody had decided against using her common sense and said, "forget it" purposefully waiting late to go outside to try to stall the beating that she was going to get at home.

"Your sister got about five minutes before I walk myself on up in here." Karen told them and Harmony's eyes just widened.

But then right before Melody could even walk out of the school building a teacher had asked to pull up and pull over until Melody had came out so the other cars could get their kids.

And, all Karen could do was shake her head.

"I'm finna go in there." Karen said gettin' ready to get out of the car until Melody had seen that her dad's car was moving forward without her and here she was running as if she was been trying to get out of the school. But that wasn't the case she was acting as if she was trying to be on time to get in the car.

So right before Karen could step out after opening her side of the car door she seen Melody running towards the car.

When that happened Karen had turned her head to look at Melody getting into the car as she had shut her car door.

"Melody. I told you not to be playin' with me." Karen warned her.

"Sorry mama. I-" Melody had started to say but Karen had turned around in the car and quickly popped her stopping her right in whatever lie that she was trying to tell.

"Mama I ain't even say nuthin'." Melody told her.

"But you was finna lie to me and I done told you about that now sit back and put your seat belt on before I tear you up right here in front of this school." Karen told her.

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