Mother-daughter time

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Notes: Karen and Faith finally have a conversation with each other about how their mother-daughter relationship is actually is and what they can do to fix it.

It was later on that evening when Faith and Karen had dinner together in the kitchen of what was now considered to be their new home for the meantime and needless to say it was awkward for them. They had never been alone for this long for this amount of time. Even when they had first met in the studio it was always other people surrounding them even if it was only a handful of people. Even back at home they were surrounded by Karen's other kids and now had to navigate how to interact with each other by themselves.

Faith had wanted this so badly with her mother but she didn't know it was going to be like this she didn't realize how awkward it was going to be to even start a conversation by themselves. Which was probably why she was so used to picking fights with her mother all the time since the day she had met her and the day she had found out that she was related to her.

Now that dinner was almost done it was like nothing was said between the two except for a short exchange of words such as "pass the salt" or "pass the pepper" that type of conversation.

When they were done eating the workers had cleaned it up for them so it was like they were being served while here because they didn't want them doing anything that would've caused attention to them. Which Faith was glad about because she had realized that she didn't have to do her own chores now and that was for safety reasons. They didn't want them running out of nothing or having to go out to the stores to get anything. If anything those type of errands would be done for them because they had to stay hidden, out of sight and out of mind.

Which meant that they weren't even allowed to take out the trash and if they did have to step outside security would be right behind them. The situation was that serious.

But now here Faith was bored out of her mind as her mother was mindlessly flipping through a magazine while she had sat on the couch and Faith was sitting next to her. However she had left some space in between them. So now all Faith was doing was staring at her not knowing how to start an actual conversation with her mother without being violent or somewhat sarcastic.

She didn't know why it was so hard for her to do that without the whining or throwing a temper tantrum. She thought it would've been easier to talk to her mother since she had Karen all to herself now. She thought that this would've been like talking to her siblings as if she was talking to Nikki who was also her best friend and or Melody or Harmony. But it wasn't like that at all.

Faith had realized that this was going to be hard. She didn't realize how many times her conversations with her mother had started off with arguments until now.

She really didn't have any reason to pick a fight now and she wasn't trying too. But she was surely thinking about starting one. But she couldn't find a reason and thus this made her question how much time she truly spent with her when she was back at home when they weren't in this situation.

"Faith do you need anything?" Karen had asked her daughter as she was still flipping through the magazine not even looking her way because she could feel Faith's eyes on her.

"Uhh. No." Faith said being awkward as could be looking elsewhere while trying to find something to do.

All she could think about was how she was going to be bored out of her mind without her siblings.

But then once Faith couldn't find anything she had scooted a little closer to her mother as if she was nervous to do so and Karen had stopped looking in the magazine and had looked at her daughter arching her eyebrow.

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