Toya on Trial P3

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Notes: A continuation from the last chapter as the family finishes up their last court case.

When it was time to go back into court, Drew was called back on the stand for the last cross-examination as the lawyer had believed he had better questions for him to make him fall into a trap to where he would look bad in front of everyone.

"So you say that you and Toya were only acquintances." He said looking straight at Drew.

"Yes we were." He told him. "But yet you've had frequented her place of business as well as had a number of meetings with her in your home. Is that not correct?!" He had asked him thinking that he had them.

"Well the meetings were about my daughter, Melody." Drew said. "Me and my wife's daughter, Melody." Drew said making that clear.

"Mmhm. And Toya was doing the good service of trying to make sure that you knew about the child that you had abandoned. Right?!" The lawyer said and Drew had sighed being frustrated with them. 

"Look. At first I didn't even know I had a daughter and what Toya did was try to make it seem like I had slept with her and she was Melody's birth mother with all the mess that she was doing to my family and creating a strain in my marriage to my wife." Drew said.

"Ohh so you admit that once Melody did come in that things went bad between you and Karen when things were going well with you and Toya?!" He had asked him trying to trip him up.

"That's not what I mean at all." Drew said clearing this mess up.

"Look, Toya brought herself over to myself being highly disrespectful towards my wife and towards me. But my wife got the worst of it." Drew said. "Toya would pick and start arguments out of no where when we would just be trying to figure out how Melody was going to stay the night over or how many nights she would be staying with us." Drew said.

"But Toya had put it into Melody's head that Karen wasn't worth being respected." Drew said.

"So that ended up going bad for those two for a hot minute." Drew said.

"So not only did Karen not get along with Toya she didn't get along with her own daughter as well that just sounds like someone who doesn't have good communication skills and have behavioral issues even as a full grown adult." The lawyer had told him.

"First of all don't talk about my wife as if she's some child that doesn't understand anything." Drew said getting annoyed with him. But it was making Karen all types of wet and Dorinda had looked over at her baby sister to see her shifting uncomfortably in her seat and Dorinda had just shook her head at Karen while Karen had eyed, Dorinda blushing bashfully.

"It's already been recorded in her medical documents that she did have some behavioral issues but that was only because of the trauma that she had faced while being controlled and sexually abused by Big J who by the way received capital punishment." Drew said tilting his head at Toya's lawyer.

"The drama that occured between Melody and Karen was always caused by Toya." Drew told them. "Toya would turn Melody against her without even getting the chance to know her." Drew said.

"But If I'm not mistaken." Toya's lawyer said. "It has on record here that Karen had wanted nothing to do with Melody. She had repeatedly said that the child wasn't going to live with them until you had to step in and put your foot down to your wife. Correct or am I wrong?!" He said thinking that he had got Drew.

"Like I said, my wife wasn't to fond about Melody staying there in the beginning but it was only because of how Toya would treat her. I mean who wants someone staying in there house when it's only going to bring in more trouble after you've been through so much trauma?!" Drew said.

Family Secrets 5: A Race against timeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora