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Notes: Drew and Karen reconcile even though they will be sleeping in separate beds.


Meanwhile back at the Sheards residence since Karen was still healing from having her pelvis broken, Drew wasn't going as hard as before when he was last inside of her.

If anything he was gently edging her on her lower lips which still made her moan like crazy not hearing his phone ringing.

When he finally did hear his phone ringing Karen was on the verge of having an orgasm one that she didn't have a long time yet he had stopped to answer it making her whine.

"Drewwww." Karen whined mad that he had took his fingers away from her.

"Someones calling it's probably one of the kids." Drew said.

"That's a reason to not answer the phone." Karen said trying to take her leg to knock the phone out of his hand but Drew had caught onto her foot that wasn't in the cast and had latched onto her toe to start sucking it. But when that had happened he had accidentally hit the phone while it dropped not realizing that Faith was on the other line about to question him on 'why he left without taking them.'

But he didn't go back to check to see if his phone was off all the way and so, he went back to playing with Karen making her moan out loud.

"Oooh, Drewwww that feels goodddd." Karen cried out getting that feeling back inside of her again. "Harder." Karen had sweetly demanded. But Drew had told her no so he wouldn't hurt her.

"Karen you know I can't go that hard on you." Drew told her while he had let go of her toe and started sucking on her nipple. "Well bite it." Karen cried out needing to feel more pain and pleasure and Drew did as told not knowing that Faith had dropped her mouth in shock covering her mouth and gagging loudly as if she was in full disgust.

"Y'ALL ARE NASTYYYY!" Faith hollered out over the phone.

"WHAT IS HE EVEN BITINGGGG?!" Faith hollered over the phone not even knowing what a man would bite during that time.

However when Faith had yelled they still didn't hear her. Instead, Drew had went ahead and re-positioned, Karen on the couch.

"Let me get you straight on the couch so you can be comfortable." Drew said trying to make sure his wife was good.


"Drewwww do you hear something?!" Karen said hearing a muffled sound coming from somewhere.

"Nahh the only thing I'm about to hear is you screaming my name from the top of your lungs and your walls being all wet and slippery." Drew said being nasty making Karen let out a chuckle. "Now lay down so I can eat my meal I'm about to slurp you up." He said gently laying Karen back down on the couch.

"EWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!" Faith hollered immediately hanging up the phone since clearly neither of them really heard her.

"Girl why you so extra?!" Nikki asked her sister seeing that her parents was about to be in the middle of something.

"Clearly if you haven't heard me yelling for my life your parents are trying to make up even though she has a broken legggg." Faith said as she dramatically shook her head. "Mama don't care about nuthin' all she cares about is....let me not even say that because that's just nastyyyy. She nasty." Faith said dramatically shaking her head again.

"Soooo you act like that's something new that they do after being mad at each other for a long period of time." Nikki said not understanding why Faith was so dramatic about this now.

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