The Truth P2

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Notes: Karen is forced to tell Drew the truth about her cheating on him.

"Drew." Karen softly said.

"I-." Karen had started to say but then Drew had turned his head away from her as if he was frustrated with her already knowing what she was about to say.

"Did you go over to his house?!" Drew had questioned his wife and it was as if all the color had faded from Karen's face making her look paler which made the bruises on her face look more visible.

"I." Karen had started to say again.

"KAREN ANSWER ME!" Drew had hollered at her.

"Drew. Pl-please don't. Don't yell." Karen tried to say without stuttering and Drew had put his hand over his mouth shaking his head and laughing.

"You don't want me to yell but you just did something that we all didn't want you to do." Drew told her. "I just want answers." He said not believing his wife right now.

"Answer me, Karen." Drew said.

"Because right now I don't know what the hell to do." He told her.

"I-I did." She said telling him the truth or the start of it.

"And what happened?" He questioned her again with his arms folded this time.

"I-." She started to say again trailing off with her sentence afraid to tell him the truth because of how bad his reaction might be.

"Wait before I even get into that." Drew said all calmly even though Karen could hear the hurt and anger in his voice.

"Let me sit down." Drew said trying to position himself but then he kept tapping like he wasn't calm like he was about to snap.

"Noo. I can stand." He said not knowing what to do trying to gather himself since Karen got him messed up.

"You know you messed up right?!" He told her and Karen didn't know what to say even though her mouth was moving no words were coming out because she was just that scared to tell him.

She already knew that she couldn't lie to Drew but she knew that from this night on her whole entire life was about to change from here on out.

"Drew I-I made a mistake." Karen said trying to get him to believe her.

"Just-just stop talking." Drew said waving his hands not wanting to go into that part because now his heart was hurting and Karen was the cause of it and Drew never would've thought that Karen would do this to him after all he told her about his love life and why he came off as to being a hoe his own self. But he had never once cheated on anybody who he was in a committed relationship with especially if it was serious.

If anything this relationship. The marriage that he has with Karen was like his first genuine romantic relationship that he had ever had with everyone and now here Drew was gettin' ready to cry because he was just that hurt by his wife.

So he had cleared his throat fightin' back his own tears because it was like now his heart was shattering and even though he had already known the truth of what happened he had needed to know how and why would Karen even do such a thing because to him she wouldn't just willingly cheat on him or would she? And that's what he needed to know.

"Did you sleep with him?!" Drew asked her looking her in her eyes and Karen could tell that she had hurt Drew deeply with her actions. She could literally feel his pain when she had looked at him and all she could was nod her head yes feeling shameful about it now.

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