You not taking my kids

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Notes: Mattie comes over to talk to Karen about what's been going and an appointment is set in place for her to go see Dr.Womack.

It was the next day and as promised, Mattie was over at Karen's and Drew's house after lunch time. Karen didn't know why but she was hoping that her mother would've forgotten about their conversation from last night but she didn't.

Now here Karen was a tad bit on edge about her mother coming over to talk too her about yesterday. Of course she knew she wasn't supposed to go to bed mad at Drew but she wasn't she was upset with him because she felt hurt as if they thought that she didn't know what she was doing as a parent.

Karen had to admit that yes she had help raising her kids but that was only because of the circumstances that she was in. But if Karen were to have it her way she would've had her kids from the jump and plus she would've never allowed anyone to take her kids from her if she could've stopped it. But she was still a child herself when that had happened and was basically powerless over those situations that happened in her life.

When the door bell had finally rung, Karen was not ready to speak to her mother either. It was like her body had grew tense seeing her. Yes, Karen still loved her mama with all of her heart and knew that her mama only meant well for her but sometimes it was like they didn't have enough faith in her and that's what bothered her. Not only that she was also trying to give her kids what she felt like she didn't have in her childhood and no one was seeing that.

Once Karen had opened up the doors and greeted her mother all 3 of them her, Drew, and Mattie had went over in the dining room to sit down and talk about the upcoming changes that was going to take place.  Even though Karen was against it she knew it was probably for the better because she was also against having another separation in her marriage but she knew she had needed it to save her marriage.

She was just glad that none of her other siblings was there to make it more dramatic than it needed to be since this was like a private meeting between the three of them that they were having and of course, Drew's parents would be filled in just in case if they needed to know anything if they had wanted to pick up the kids for the summer as well to spend time with their grand children.

When they was all seated around at the table they had started to talk about the things that was going on with the kids and Drew had a chance to voice his opinion.

"And that's his wrong opinion." Karen said eyeing Drew up and down.

"See." Drew said pointing his hand out towards Karen who now had an attitude with the both of them. "Y'all just mad my babies attached to me that's all." Karen said rolling her eyes at them.

"Karen they're attached because you spoil them without having any real balance." Drew said. "Like you know all about parenting." Karen said getting really annoyed with him.

"Look we only having this meeting because of you." Drew said making that clear and Karen thought about back slapping him in his bald spot but she didn't.

"He think he's a Mr.Know-it-all." Karen said huffing at him.

"You do it too." Drew told her not scared of her.

"Mrs.Know-it-all." Drew said being petty right along with her.

"Mh. Y'all stop that bickering." Mattie said getting them back on focus getting on the both of them about that.

"Now I only came here for one reason and one reason only and it was about those grandbabies." Mattie said. "Now what Drew was telling me over the phone and what I was seeing with my own eyes I think it is best for them to spend the summer with me just so they could be a little bit more settled." Mattie said trying to find the right ways to say it.

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