Talk it out?

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Notes: Drew checks on Karen after breakfast.

After breakfast time was over everyone had gone into their respective rooms with Faith still having her mothers wig on. But when she had walked into her room she had took it off putting it on her dresser only to be met with Nikki who was standing in her doorway frame with her arms folded.

"Nikki what are you doin' in my room?!" Faith asked her having a little bit of an attitude.

"That's funny I could ask you the same thing about mama." Nikki said arching her eyebrow up at her little sister.

"Tuhh whateva." Faith said brushing the situation off. "Forget her." She said still being slightly mad at Karen. "Girl I can't with you." Nikki told her. "Well if you can't stand the heat then get out the kitchen." Faith smartly told her which made Nikki buck at her like she was finna punch her.

"See look at you scary." Nikki said. "Don't make me remind you about who I am." She had told her. "I'd put you right back in your place again with your disrespectful self." Nikki told her.

"Ain't nuthin' disrespectful about what I did. It was funny." Faith said being hard headed for real.

"Girl what was funny about snatchin' mama's wig off all hard like that in front of everyone?" Nikki questioned her trying to see where her little sisters mind was at.

"Everything." Faith said not caring.

"Mh. You need some more of Jesus cause ain't no way this your new leaf that you turning over." Nikki told her while slowly shaking her head no in a dramatic manner.

"Well then like I told y'all if y'all can't handle the heat then get out the kitchen." Faith said as if she was grown.

"Girl please I know you not talking about someone not being able to handle anything." Nikki said as she had started to pull out receipts.

"You can't handle other people getting attention from mama or grandma." Nikki told her.

"With yo jealous self." Nikki said reading her for days as she had went on with it.

"You think it was so cute but it wasn't. You betta be glad mama seemed to be in a good enough mood because if she was her regular self you know she would've beat you right then and there so you got away with it this time." Nikki told her.

"And that's why y'all wanna be me." Faith smartly smiled at her.

"I'm a wipe that smile right off of yo face." Nikki said bucking at her again scaring Faith a little bit. "Mh you doin' the most and you still scared of when I buck at you get it together." Nikki told her. "If you gonna be tough do it with your whole chest." Nikki said.

"I am tough that's why I did what I did shoot, Dad ain't even say nuthin' either he was probably glad that I did it considering what mama did to this family by cheatin'." Faith said thinking that Drew was happy about that when in reality he wasn't. But he also wasn't about to get in between Karen and Faith thinking that Karen was about to beat her. So even, Drew was surprised that Karen had reacted with the way that she did.

"Girl please you know dad don't get in between our mess when it involves me, you, or mama." Nikki told her. "He lets her handle it all." Nikki said. "But did she handle me?!" Faith smartly questioned her and Nikki just rolled her eyes at her little sister.

"Just count your blessings because you got away with this one but the next time you do something just know mama gonna fix you." Faith said.

"And plus you know he said that he wasn't gonna let anybody disrespect mama just because they're separated right now. Anddd you know you wrong for even bringing it back up." Nikki told her. "You know mama didn't really cheat cheat." Nikki said.

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