Captain Save A Hoe P2

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Notes: A continuation from the last chapter.

"Ain't this some shiiii." Dorinda had started to say but then she had stopped herself before she had gotten even more madder at this whole entire situation.

"I know you lyin'." Dorinda said shaking her head while watching her baby daddy/boyfriend stare lovingly at her baby sister.

"HELLOOOOOO?!" Dorinda said out loud trying to get there attention while waving her hand in between their faces only for them to simultaneously move their heads at the same time out of the way of Dorinda's hand while they still was looking at each other locking eyes and it was as if all the emotions and memories had came flooding back in from the last time that they had seen each other.

"So it was you." He finally says to her.

"What do you mean?" Karen said as she had slightly tilted her head some more and he had remembered how she used to ask that question.

"Same ole' Karen." He said giving her a short, soft, and shy smile.

And, Dorinda had blanked her eyes wanting to know what was that supposed to mean.

"Yeah what's that's supposed to mean, same ole' Karennn?!" Dorinda said not liking where any of this was going.

"Well what I mean was when I had seen you at the church I wasn't sure if it was you or not. I mean who am I kidding I know that pretty smile from anywhere and those pretty eyes." He said making Karen blush again as she had moved her hair back a bit behind her ear and Dorinda was about to smack the both of them until she had cleared her throat.

"The hell is going on in here?!" Dorinda said wanting to know why her man and her baby sister was so got dawg on friendly with each other.

"Y'all being too friendly and I don't like that." Dorinda said already voicing her opinion and making her feelings known.

"I'm sorry but it's just that after all this time I tried to forget about you. But here you are looking as pretty as ever." He sadly said and Karen's heart was just melting away.

"Well I can't lie and say that I haven't tried to forget either." Karen said as she had shyly shrugged at him.

"I'm just glad and relieved that you did make it out." He said and Karen had smiled again at him while looking down.

"Hey don't do that." He said as he had gently lifted her chin back up.

But before he could even take his soft hand off of Karen's chin, Dorinda had smacked it away from Karen's chin causing him to rub his hand and making the both of them shock.

"Dorindaaa." Karen said.

"Karennnn." Dorinda mocked.

"What he supposed to be captain save a hoe?!" Dorinda smartly said pointing towards her baby daddy and they both had dropped their mouths open at the same time.

"Close y'all mouthsss." Dorinda said.

"I'm siccc of this mess." Dorinda said.

"This is why I didn't want to bring you around them." Dorinda said getting heated with this.

"Because apparently with Karen being away from us she started to know who everybody in town was but when she was with us she ain't know nobodyyy." Dorinda said being mad as hell and meaning something deeper when she said, "Karen knows everybody nowwww " as she was referring to how she was forced to live a life as as sex slave.

"Now, Dorinda that's not fair and it's not like I'm still in love with him." Karen simply said dropping that bomb on her older sister forgetting to just ease that on in there if questions were asked.

Family Secrets 5: A Race against timeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora