She's doing what P2

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Notes: Karen talks to Nikki about what she's been doing at the strip club this whole time.

Side note: A continuation from the last chapter.

TRIGGER WARNING: It gets super emotional near the end so just brace yourselves.

Once they were inside the house Karen was still quiet but they could tell that their mother was tense. Nikki didn't know what to do or say but she felt like she should say something before Karen whoops the mess out of her.

Usually, during times like these when one of the older kids would get whooped, Nikki would be the one to know not to say anything in order to not make the situation worse. But she was trying to get her mother to understand why she did what she did.

So now here Karen was breathing hard with her chest slightly heaving and fist balled up as if she would hit someone. But she tried to keep her cool knowing that if she did hit Nikki than Nikki would've been knocked out on the floor.

They could visibly see the anger in their mothers face and they had looked at each other not knowing what to do. So, Faith had looked at Nikki with knowing eyes shrugging and scratching her hair knowing that if it was Faith herself she would've been trying to talk her way out of it while they were in the car. But it was like this situation was really different.

It probably felt as if Nikki had hit a nerve with Karen when she was in the strip club and only a few months after being home from nearly being kidnapped by Big J again. It wasn't a good look.

It was as if Nikki had completely disregarded what Karen had told her about her life and why she didn't want her none of her daughters doing what she had to do. She had even told them about the time that Big J had tried to make her strip to earn him money. But that didn't work out which was why he had sent her to the brothels. Because now Karen was feeling as if she was disrespected no matter how many times she tried to be an understanding parent or let her kids get away with stuff. Now here she was questioning herself on her parenting skills.

Was this what her family was talking about? Was this what her sisters meant when they said she didn't know how to be parent? Was she being too much of a friend to them? Was she too lenient and didn't really know anything about parenting? Because let's face it, Karen was thinking that she was lying to herself about being a good mother because right now she felt like a terrible one who didn't have any control over them. She knew that Nikki was 18 now and she was a legal adult. But she still wanted the chance to raise her with the little time that she had left before Nikki had moved out of her house.

But now it was like she just didn't know. Now she was thinking to herself that she failed her kids?

Did she fail Nikki because clearly she was doing okay with Faith seeing that she had turned over a new leaf and was trying to stick to her and had a career going for her? But this is what Nikki wanted to do with her life? Karen just couldn't believe it as so many questions was running through her mind she was just second guessing herself as a mother.

Karen felt as if she didn't even know her own daughter like she thought she did. Everything was so fuzzy in her mind after being in that strip club it was starting to make her head hurt just thinking about it and now here she was having flashbacks about her ownself being in a stripper for that short amount of time and it wasn't a pretty sight to see.

Karen also knew that Nikki got lucky with being at a good strip club because it could've been a whole lot more worse than what was going on and Karen guessed that Nikki didn't realize that no matter how many times Karen had warned them. But then Karen was knocked out of her thoughts by a voice.

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