I hate you...

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Notes: Nikki gets the worst news of her life and doesn't know how to cope.

It was 2am and the family was sound asleep as they could be.

Until Nikki had gotten a phone call from the hospital that her daughter didn't have much time to live. So screams were heard throughout the house waking everyone up jolting Karen awake startling her out of her sleep.

"Nikki?!" Karen had lightly hollered as she had quickly snatched the covers off of her only to find out that her daughters room door was locked.

"Nikki OPEN THE DOOR!" Karen said banging on it loudly but all she heard on the other side of the door was Nikki panicking unable to concentrate thinking about the worse as all she heard from her oldest daughter were sobs.

"She won't open the door!" Karen said turning to Drew as he had came up next to her standing beside her while Karen had tried to jiggle the door knob off and then she started kicking at it.

While Faith and the rest of the kids was back there.

"Wait a minute. Karen just pick the lock open." Drew said as he was reaching in his pockets to see if he had anything handy in there but he didn't.

So, Faith ran back into her room getting something to pick the lock with and handing it to her mother.

"I don't know how to pick locks that well." Karen told them.

"Y'all know that already." Karen said and Faith had shook her head from side-to-side.

"Auntie Doe needs to teach you a few tricks." Faith said as she had got down on her knees picking the lock for their mother to get into her oldest sisters room.

"She's gonna be mad I picked it. But we're doing this for her." Faith said after she had heard it clicked and had went in.

"GET OUTTTT!" Nikki had immediately screamed but she was already out of it when she had gotten the news about her daughter because by the time they had came in she had threw something heavy at her family making Faith back all the way up and run out of her room.

"Aight y'all got that I'm a just go and pray!" Faith said running back to her room not wanting to be apart of nothing that

"I think we need to call mama Mattie." Drew said.

"NO!" Karen hollered at him scaring him a bit.

"I can do this on my own. I don't always have to call her for help!" Karen said determined to get her screaming and crying grown child calmed down.

"Okay but Karen mama Mattie has more experience with this type of thing." Drew said not realizing that he was putting his foot in his mouth even though he was trying to help the situation.

"What are you trying to say?!" Karen said putting both hands on her hips waiting for an answer.

"Karen I didn't mean it like that you know that we're trying to help her before she has a complete breakdown.

"Well, Drew she's already in it!" Karen said as she was listening to Nikki throw something else against the door. "I'm going back in there all I have to do is hold her down that's it." Karen said.

Then, Drew just shook his head saying okay letting his wife do what she needed to do.

When he did that Karen had went in seeing the room a total mess and an upset, Nikki throw stuff around crashing things against the wall.

She didn't say anything to her daughter knowing that her mother had did the same with her remembering how Mattie had walked in after she had lashed out that Greg was marrying Dorinda.

Family Secrets 5: A Race against timeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant