Family Trip P7

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Notes: Drew gets Karen back from last night and Faith and Nikki walks in on them.

Sidenote: SMUTTT!!

Later on that evening Karen and Drew had the house to themselves since the family had left after Faith and Nikki and they couldn't believe it.

"We really invited them on this trip just for everyone to ditch us?!" Karen said feeling slightly offended. "Baby don't worry about it. It's a vacation we're just here to enjoy ourselves." Drew said as he started to rub his wife's feet and kiss on it making her giggle.

"Drewwww." Karen had whined. "You know what that does to me." She said in a somewhat quiet voice while he had smirked at her. "Exactly that's why I'm doing it." He said. "You don't play fair do you?!" Karen had playfully teased him knowing that he didn't.

"You already know." He said dragging her down some more to kiss her on her lips and then he had pulled her into a deep yet passionate make out session one that they had been missing for a while now and it was so intense that Karen started to get hot to the point where she felt like had needed to take off all her clothes.

Because now here he was kissing down her neck and giving her very visible hickeys not caring who would see them.

"Drewww." Karen had squealed gasping because the hickeys he was giving her was causing her to have an orgasm and she just couldn't believe it.

"I told you I was gonna get you back right?!" Drew had reminded her and all Karen could do was gasp as he had continued on with his assault on her neck.

"Ooooh." Karen had moaned shaking with her toes curling while she was underneath him being held by him.

Now here she was breathing hard trying to catch her breath "and I ain't even had to touch you." He smirked at her. "You just down bad for me huh?!" He teased and Karen had playfully rolled her eyes at him. "Let's get these clothes off of you because they slidin' off anyways and I can see you were trying to yank them off after that first orgasm I had just gave you." He said.

So he had carried his wife into there bedroom of the spacious condo like hotel room and had laid her on the bed while he had took off his clothes and Karen had just stared at him in awe.

Loving to just look at her mans body. "Come here." Drew said playfully pulling Karen down by her leg as if he was about to yank her right off of the bed.

Then when he had did that she had squealed again with him undressing her and his hands playing all up in her honey pot.

Meanwhile outside, Faith and Nikki was having the times of their lives going to the clubs that were open and partying. Of Coruse, Nikki had stopped drinking after attending her A.A. because she still did edibles which didn't mess her up too bad or so she thought.

If anything she just wanted to have innocent fun tonight after being the responsible older sibling all the time and she had wanted to let loose. She knew when she took it too far which kept her from getting into anymore trouble because she didn't want to get lectured by her mother while on this trip.

"Girl I'm so glad I told them to meet us here instead at the hotel room." Faith had said to Nikki while their friends had went to go get some drinks and edibles for them.

"Sameeee cause mama would've known that something was up if they would've popped up on the first day." Nikki had said seeing that they had invited, Terrell, D'Aangelo and Gia.

Faith didn't even think about inviting Spade because she ain't want no drama so she didn't tell him about anything until afterwards.

They had wanted to have a fun time on this family vacation and not one where Drew would probably have to lay his hands on Spade again because that slap from Drew that Spade had got had lasted a long time on his face. That hand print was something crazy to where he had to use male makeup to cover it up because Drew had slapped him so hard that it had felt like a punch.

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