I can't lose you

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Notes: Nikki, Karen, and Faith attend a therapy session together with just the three of them.

It was a few days later and Faith had gotten out of the hospital. Karen had been a bit more attentive to Faith than she had ever been since she had met her. But Faith also had to realize that she couldn't downplay on her mothers love and affection like how she did with other people because when they were sitting in their therapy session together with Nikki and Karen it had came to light that by Faith acting "hard" it made Karen feel like that she didn't have to be more affection with her because she wasn't accepting it anyhow.

But they did go over what their love languages were even though Faith had felt cringy the whole entire time while explaining it because she never had to do that before so, Dr.Womack had thought that it would be a good idea for them to practice doing each others love languages especially while they were on vacation with each other and that they were intentional about spending time with just the three of them.

So when they were in her office they had planned out the days that they would be spending time with each other and they had to let the rest of the family know when they had went back home for the family meeting and that the rest of them were just gonna have to be okay with it.

Because even in the therapy session, Karen had to explain to her girls why she would over react whenever one of them would leave or do something completely outrageous and why she would act the way that she did.

"Yeah mom why you be doing the most when its time for me and Nikki to leave the house?!" Faith had asked her.

"Y'all know why?!" Karen said in her raspy voice not wanting to explain it again but this time in full detail that the girls would understand where she was coming from.

"Ma." Nikki said tilting her head a bit at her mother being a little bit confused.

Dr.Womack had spoke up. "Now, Karen you know you have to explain things to them especially Faith." She said making Faith say "wait a minute you supposed to be on my side auntie." Faith playfully said.

"I'm on everyone's side which is why I'm probing Karen to speak up about it." She said.

"Ughhhh fine." Karen dramatically sighed as if she was Faith.

"Y'all already know the story about you two being taken away from me." Karen had started off and they had nodded their heads yes.

"Well its just that I-I can't go through not having my babies here with me." Karen told them.

"It just rips a piece of my heart every time one of you walk out the door." Karen said to them.

And, Faith said, "Aweeee" actually being touched by that and smiling.

"You really do careee about us. About meee." Faith cheesed being dramatic as ever and Nikki just looked at her little sister shaking her head. "You just a different type of special." Nikki had teased her little sister. "Don't hateee." Faith said as she was now smiling.

"So do you like cry every time we leave you me and Nikki that is excluding the rest of our siblings?" Faith said making sure that she was very specific with her question and Nikki just shook her head at her little sister once again.

"Yes. Actually I do cry a little." Karen dramatically said looking away from them.

"Aweeeeee." Faith said getting all types of feels from how her mother was explaining the situation.

"You scared you gonna lose us againnn?!" Faith said.

"Yes, Faith don't rub it in." Karen dramatically told her in a playful manner.

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