Shots fired

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Notes: Karen and Drew gets a warning.

Time jump: One week later.

TRIGGER WARNING: Gun violence.

After the wedding festivities were over, Karen and Drew was now back at home enjoying themselves after they had time to strengthen their relationship without the kids.

Now they were having a family outing in the evening time after spending quality time with each other.

But when they had got back into their car to go home while they were driving down an almost empty high way a black car was following them and Faith was noticing the car and it seemed off because usually if a car was just going in that same direction it would've turned off five minutes later but when Faith had counted and had turned her head to look at the car that was following them she had decided to speak up about it.

"Dad that car is following us." Faith said in a concerned voice which made Karen look around at her daughter because she had been watching the car as well but she was quiet about it not wanting to say anything to alarm anyone.

But she knew that Faith would be the one to do it.

"I know that's why I was just staying on this road." Drew had revealed to them because they should've been home by now and the kids didn't understand why it was taking forever until he had let them know.

Right before they could say anything else that same car that was supposedly following them had got on their right side of the car to where Karen was sitting in the passenger and something in Karen told her not to look to the side. Thankfully, she didn't because the next thing they knew the car that was following them had started doing donuts out of no where scaring the babies and making them cry because it was such a loud and unknown noise to them.

"Ohhh HELLLLLL NAHHHHH!" Faith quickly said out loud seeing what was happening and once she had did that Nikki, Faith and Karen had seen where the driver had pointed out a gun towards the passengers seat to where Karen was sitting at as if it was a warning to her.

"EVERYBODY DUCKKKK!" Karen had hollered out with her quick thinking she had ducked while Nikki and Faith, Melody and Harmony had to cover the babies because bullets started flying.

Once the bullets had stopped flying and the car had took off the babies were still crying and Drew had to quickly pull over to make sure that everyone was okay and no one was shot at.

Because once the car had started doing that it had scared the other cars to where they had sped off into the distance and the cars that were coming behind them had made u-turns already knowing what was about to happen as soon as they started doing donuts around Drew's car.

"GOT DAMN!" Faith said as she quickly unbuckled her seat belt stumbling out of the car forgetting that she was with her parents and she had stopped cussing for a good while up until now. "FAITH!" Karen lightly hollered at her daughter while Karen had to check to make sure that she didn't get shot at or have any blood on her while tending to her babies calming J.Drew down while he had hanged onto dear life to his mama with Kierra clinging onto Drew as well as Audrey.

"SORRY BUT MAMA WE WAS JUST SHOT AT!" Faith said hollering even though she didn't mean to she was still in shock.

"Everybody's okay?!" Drew had asked them making sure that all the babies were alright while Melody and Harmony had checked each other fixing their hair and Karen was fixing her wig and straightening it back up.

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