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Notes: Dorinda finally goes over to Karen's house to talk too her.

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of fighting, miscarriage, and SA.

It was the next week and Dorinda finally decided to stop by Karen's house just to see how everything was faring out with what had went down. She didn't know what she was expecting but all she knew was that she had a petty bone in her. Even though she had her a new man already she just hated the fact that Karen had somehow always knew her men before hand and she was going to ask Karen about that as well seeing that she never had any answers from her baby sister about how she really knew Tyrone.

Yes they explained to her that they used to go out and what not but that was about it. Dorinda knew she needed more details for the full story and she knew she might've prematurely fought Karen for no reason which had resulted in Karen having a broken nose and a jaw. But those two things had healed up. But what Dorinda didn't know was that Tyrone had broken Karen's pelvis and her leg. So she was going to be in for a rude awakening.

When she had finally arrived to her baby sisters house she could hear the kids scrambling around in the living room knowing that it was Faith probably trying to boss her younger siblings around. But she heard, Nikki from the other side of the door.

"CLEAN THAT UP SO MAMA WON'T HAVE TO DO IT Y'ALL SHE CAN'T BE PICKING UP EVERYTHING AFTER Y'ALL LIKE BEFORE!" She heard, Nikki yell and Dorinda had dramatically blanked her eyes not knowing what that was about. Which was Nikki referring to Karen's broken leg.

Then when she had finally knocked on the door, Faith had answered with a bright smile on her face even though Dorinda knew a bit of sass was behind that smile.

"Heyyyy auntie Doeee long timee no seee." Faith dramatically said and Nikki just playfully pushed her out of the door frame. "Faith don't do that." Nikki said knowing her little sister was about to start something. "What I can't greet our auntie who haven't been in here in goodness knows how long?!" Faith dramatically said and Nikki just sighed shaking her head.

"Girl go get mama." Nikki said knowing that their auntie Doe was here for her.

"Okayyyy. But are you really sure you wanna see her?!" Faith questioned their aunt Dorinda and Dorinda still haven't said a word once they had opened up the front door.

"Girl go get your mama!" Dorinda lightly hollered at her playing with her knowing how Faith can be. "Okayy!" Faith playfully said running up the steps to go get Karen.

Then she was let in and went straight towards the pantry hearing a screaming J.Drew from the playpen.

"NOOOO NO MO' SNACKSSS!" J.Drew yelled out in his baby voice while shaking his head.

"Boy pleaseeeee these snacks still good't!" Dorinda said eating her nephews snacks still being greedy.

When she was done grabbing the snacks that she had wanted she had seen Karen struggling to get down the stairs with Faith helping her mama step-by-step.

"Daddy told you to stay off yo leg. He told you to listen the doctor." Faith said gettin' on Karen about doing too much.

"Faith it's fine." Karen said thinking it was nothing since she was only on it for a little while.

"That's why yo leg swollen right now and then you gonna be in pain later on tonight." Faith said helping her mama down the last step while Faith pointed towards it and Karen just playfully moved her daughters hand out of the way hoping that no one else would see it but Dorinda did.

Now she was wondering how much did she miss from not talking to Karen and what happened to her because she knew she didn't fight her long enough to cause a broken leg.

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