Would you be my valentine?

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Notes: Drew is getting tired of being separated from his wife as he figures out what his next steps are in their marriage.

Side note: In honor of Valentine's Day which was yesterdayyy. They're a little bit kinky in this as well....🌚

It was now a Friday night when the family was watching a movie and Drew kept looking over his shoulder to how good his wife was looking.

Even in her regular house clothes he was turned on by just her presence. Usually he would have been sitting right up underneath her but during this separation he had decided to cut everything out so they could focus on what the real issues were in their marriage and usually romantic physical touch always got them in deep trouble when trying to solve their problems the right way.

But now that their separation was nearly over he couldn't wait to be up underneath his wife again.

They had about 3 more days but who was counting?! Drew had been secretly counting down the days to when he would be back with his wife in a more intimate manner.

Throughout this time Karen had learned what true intimacy had meant and she had also learned that sex wasn't a "quick fix" to every situation that they had. So when Drew had decided for them to remain celibate throughout this time period in this marriage Karen didn't get it at first because she was so used to using her body in that way.

However once all that calmed down and she realized that she wasn't over working herself sexually she could see why it wasn't healthy to always do that. But not only that her mind was more clearer as well when it came to making important decisions.

She also learned that she didn't need to use her body to get her points across either or to use her body to try to get her way every time. She had learned a few other tricks that were now up her sleeve such as her whining, poking out her lips, pouting, batting her eyelashes at Drew or just simply taking her hands and rubbing it through his hair to get his attention or what she wanted.

If she had known that before when she was with the other men she would've done things a lot more differently. But she did realize that those men who she was with versus Drew had a different personality to where Drew could have cared less about Karen using her body when they would be together. Of course, Karen's body was a plus to him a cherry on top as he likes to call it.

But what mattered most to him was her personality and how caring she was and that she was still very much attractive even if she didn't have the body.

Plus, Drew was never really the one to be extremely violent no way. Yeah he could get mean if he had needed to. But he never took it to the extreme like the other men had done in Karen's life.

He knew what he had contributed throughout Karen's teenage years when he basically bullied her and played in her face at the same time while abandoning her for his more popular friends.

But that was only to that extent he never took it to the point where he was physically abusive to her.

However those other unfortunate contributions that Drew had made in her life when they were younger still had played a part and had left scars on her. But now they were healing and she was more freer than before since she now had better tools to help her navigate this new life she had been living for a while now.

She was now healing gracefully.

So now here they were with Karen focused on the movie. But Drew was focused on Karen and she could feel his eyes staring at her.

He had already given her a Valentine's Day gift earlier on and she had loved it.

And she was planning to give him something later on tonight as well.

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