Another witness P2

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Notes: Karen and Drew takes Melody to talk to the detectives while they learn some news about Harmony.

When they finally made it to the police station the family had seen Dr.Womack and the lawyer who was working with Karen on the case.

"It's nice to finally get to meet you in person, Mr.Sheard. We didn't know that you would becoming in today." The lawyer had told him. "It's nice to meet you too. Shall we move forward?" Drew had asked them and they had nodded their heads yes while Dr.Womack had smiled at Drew greeting him and Melody.

"Come on sweetie. I'll lead the way for Melody." Dr.Womack said knowing that this was about to be a lot for Melody's psyche since she was still so young.

So with that being said, Melody had looked back at her mother almost as if she was afraid to leave without her and Karen was walking right behind her not missing a beat.

When they were inside of the room they were standing behind the one-way window inside of the observation room and when they had all came into the room Melody had stopped right in her tracks after her mother because she had seen some familiar faces standing behind there.

"Melody." Karen said as she had looked at her daughter who was frozen in her tracks and Melody had looked petrified.

Immediately the lawyers and the detectives was starting the case.

"Do you recognize anyone of these men?" One of the detectives had asked her holding up the mugshot and then they had guided her towards the window.

"Um." Melody said being scared looking at her mother and Dr.Womack.

"Don't worry they can't see you." Dr.Womack had told her.

"She's right." Karen said nodding her head so Melody could go through with telling them who it was.

"Um." Melody had nervously said looking at the men through the window.

"It-it was him." Melody said pointing towards one of the men.

"Number 5 step forward." The detective told him and when number 5 had stepped forward Karen had gasped shaking her head as if she couldn't believe it.

"Um. What if I remember one more person?!" Melody asked them.

"Why?!" Dr.Womack said.

"That's unusual." Dr.Womack told them. "It is indeed. Usually, it's only one person per case." The detective said. "But okay." He told them with everyone agreeing to let Melody ID some more if she had knew them.

"Besides number 5 who else do you see?" The detective had asked her.

"Number 3." Melody said shaking and stepping back a little bit as if she was just hiding behind her mother and Karen had just placed a soft hand over her back.

"And number 2." Melody told them pointing at the men who she had called out.

"It was more than one?!" Karen had questioned her daughter fearing the worst.

"They was always in the house with her." Melody had told her mother.

"But I rarely ever seen number 5. But I remember him." Melody had told them looking down sadly at her feet and Karen was struggling to take in a deep breath to calm herself down because she felt like she was gonna lose her mind.

"He would come by the house and give her money and he would bring girls over well women." Melody said.

But before she could say anything else the lawyers and the detectives had stopped her needing her to remember anything else so they could possibly put him under the jail.

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