We're gonna fight this thang

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Notes: Karen talks to Nikki about what she's been doing as she tries to get answers about what's been going on with N'ylani.

After the events from last night, Karen had woke up early in the morning seeing Nikki still sleeping by her side. She could tell that her daughter was exhausted from everything. So being unable to sleep, Karen had gotten herself up to get ready even though she was still feeling a little tired her own self.

But when she had gotten ready she had felt a little bit better even though the news that she had received from Nikki had shattered her heart. But what she wasn't going to do was let her mind get filled with doubts and say that the doctor was automatically right because Karen knew that if the Lord could do it for her then He could do it for her grand baby too.

N'ylani's condition wasn't cancer but it sure was a rarity and Karen knew that her God was a God that worked miracles.

So here she was going into N'ylani's nursery and praying over her quietly while getting the oil out to anoint her head. She wasn't about to let none of her kids just lay down and die. She didn't do it to herself when she was in that awful place in her life living with Big J thinking that she would never escape that lifestyle until she had to force a change within herself.

And so she wasn't gonna let her kids go through that same fate of thinking that they'll never overcome something that was so serious.

If anything Karen was the example to them and she was going to make sure that they had followed suite.

Once Karen was done praying over her grand baby she had done the same for Ace and her other kids.

Now here she was downstairs in the kitchen sitting at the table with a cup of hot tea in her hand feeling a bit stressed out on what they was going to do for N'ylani.

She knew that she had needed to talk some more with Nikki about what exactly was going on in detail so that they could get the proper help that they need instead of Nikki trying to do everything on her own.

But she had decided to wait until Nikki was awake herself. She didn't feel like waking her child up to talk knowing how awful Nikki must feel right now.

When she was downstairs at the table her mind was to wrapped up in N'ylani and Nikki worrying about them. She knew she had other things on her mind but she didn't know that she had let her oldest daughter slip through the cracks of her fingers so easily.

She thought she had knew Nikki and that Nikki would never do such a thing for money but she guessed she was wrong. She also realized that Nikki was more like her than she had thought especially with wanting to do everything herself and not wanting to bother anybody.

Karen had remembered the first time she had came back home when she couldn't find herself a decent job. She had remembered those days of pimping her ownself out to make some money just so she could say that she had her own.

She thought she was doing something until things had gotten a little out of control and she had to take a step back from it and then that job came when she was trying to be a CNA. But when that stopped because of her STI status she thought she would never find something decent again. But God had blessed with her friends like Vicky and Cece Winans who had always looked out for her. She was glad that Vicky had recommended her for the makeup line.

And it was because of her friends that she didn't have to go back to the streets when everything else had failed.

She didn't want to have to keep asking her family for money even when Dorinda had gotten fed up with her making her give everything back. Even though Dorinda had apologized for it and had meant it that was still in the back of her mind whenever she went to her meetings.

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