Unacceptable P2

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Notes: Karen and Drew goes to Melody's and Harmony's school to have a meeting.

Sidenote: This is a follow up from the last chapter.

It was now Monday morning and Drew had made it his business to take his daughters to school seeing that they had been lacking in that area of parenting. Of course they were now very busy people but he knew that he had to stay on top of it and he couldn't let their schooling slip away from him just because they had settled in now for a while now.

He remembered how he was when the girls had first moved in with him and Karen he had took them to school everyday making sure that they got in safely and that everything was okay with them and that they were headed off to their classes.

So now he knows that he has to go back to doing that all because of Melody wanting to act out in school.

He also knew that he had to get Karen her drivers license but first he had to go back to teaching her how to drive again which was something because that required patience with her.

He couldn't believe that it was easier to teach Faith how to drive than his own wife. But nonetheless that was now back on Drew's to do list.

Now here he was Monday morning bright and early making breakfast for everyone while Karen was busy breast feeding the quads. She was on her last with breast feeding them as she was now transitioning into using the pump because she was getting tired.

Yes the connection was everything with her babies but she felt as if they had a good run with getting the milk straight from the source. Although the babies might beg to differ she knows that she's gonna have to start weaning them off of her earlier than planned because she was getting over stimulated.

When Karen had came downstairs she was ready for her meal while also wanting to talk to Melody and Nikki about what was going to happen with each of their situations.

"Morning baby." Drew said kissing Karen on her forehead as he had seen her ready for today as she had accepted his kiss feeling tingles run down her spin due to the over stimulation.

"Morning." She yawned. "Everything's okay?" Drew had asked her.

"As it could be." She said shaking her head not believing her daughter would even be a bully.

"I can't believe Melody would do such a thing." Karen said clearly forgetting how Melody was when she had first moved in until Drew had reminded her. "Are you forgetting how Melody was when she first got here?" Drew had questioned his wife arching his eyebrows at her.

"Noo. It's just that I thought Melody wouldn't be like that after everything you know?" Karen said as she had started to eat her breakfast. "Yeah. But sometimes these kids just surprise us I guess." Drew said shaking his head knowing that he was gonna have to step in and make sure that Melody won't act out again.

"Hopefully she'll act right after today." Karen told him having faith that her daughter would change her ways.

Once the kids had came down for breakfast they had greeted their parents with Nikki handing N'ylani off to Karen after she had finished eating.

"How's my sweet babies doing?" Karen said kissing N'ylani on her cheeks as she had just comfortably laid her head on her nana's chest. While Ace had sat next to his nana being a big boy.

"She woke up feeling extra tired today more than usual." Nikki said to Karen and Karen had knew what Nikki was referring too. "Nikki what did we talk about?" Karen had gently asked her.

"I know but mama." Nikki said being worried feeling like she was getting ready to cry again again for the third time this morning.

"Oooh Nikki." Karen said seeing her oldest child get emotional and then just leave the kitchen and Karen had quickly handed N'ylani to Faith. "Here watch your niece while I go talk to Nikki." Karen said while trying to keep Nikki from having a major break down so early in the morning.

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