Finding Faith

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Notes: Karen and Drew tries to search desperately for Faith.

But by the time, Karen had started looking for Faith it had turned night time.

Drew was just about to start looking for the both of them because it was now 7:30pm. He wasn't going to wait any longer after thinking that Karen had found Faith and was probably talking to her and spending some time together which they usually did.

But when he had got up to look outside one more time before calling her he had seen Karen in tears.

"Karen?!" Drew had asked walking out of the front doors of the church.

"What happened?!" Drew had asked his wife worried about her and looking around for Faith to see if she was there with her mother.

"Where's Faith?!" Drew had asked her.

"I-I don't know." Karen said in a dried up tone as if her voice was now rough and raspy from crying. Immediately, Drew knew that something was wrong and he knew that his wife was crying because she couldn't find Faith.

"I looked everywhere for her and in all her spots too and I still couldn't find her." Karen had panicked. "What kinda of a mother am I?!" Karen cried as she had started to blame herself for letting things get this bad but Drew had gently pulled, Karen by the shoulders bringing her closer to him.

"Karen you're not at fault." Drew told her. "Stop blaming yourself for everything." Drew said.

"We discussed this before it doesn't do you or anyone else any good." Drew told her.

"But Drew she's out there by herself and she's not even in her right mind to be alone." Karen said as she was now frustrated with not finding her daughter.

"Look we'll just call the police and find her ourselves because we're not going home without her." Drew said as he had kissed his crying wife on her forehead and Karen had nodded her head okay.

"But wait. Drew the police are gonna tell us to wait before filing a missing persons report." Karen told him. "And I'm a still call them for my own record keeping just in case." Drew said.

"Because they need to do their job." Drew told her.

So, here he was calling 9-1-1.

And just as Karen had told them they had to wait.

"Let's start looking for her. We'll look while we're in the car and we'll drop the rest of the kids off back at home." Drew said. "But we keep J.Drew with us this time we can't let him out of our sight right now." He told her and Karen had understood why he had said that because of the roof incident not even trying to argue with him because one she didn't mind her baby staying with her and two J.Drew wasn't about to give them another unnecessary heart attack again.

They had to much too worry about right now and they needed to focus on one situation at a time.

So when they had got home they had told the older siblings what the deal was and of course, Nikki was still left in charge while the rest of them were put to bed.

Nikki's job was to also call them if Faith had came back home. Because Drew knew that Faith wasn't going to head back to the church after what had happened.

But J.Drew had stayed with his parents. 

But the whole time that he was in the car with them he was asleep since it was his bed time.

Now it was 12:30am and they still couldn't find her and Karen was worried sick to her stomach.

"Drew what if something terrible happened to her?" Karen said almost as if it was in a whisper.

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