Going through

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Notes: The family notices a change in Karen as it starts affecting everyone.

It was the next day and Karen was staying at home due to the activities that had taken place yesterday on the highway.

When she had came downstairs it was as if she was taking everything as normal.

However this made Faith question her mother especially with how Faith kept on eyeing her mother everytime she would do something. Then she would go and talk to Nikki about it whispering it to her because Karen was in the same room as them.

"Girl I'm not gettin in between that you do it. You the baby outta of me and you." Nikki said not feeling like getting yelled at because Faith wanted to be scary today.

"You know she still be yelling at me compared to how she be doing Melody." Faith said.

"Well that's not my fault you don't listen the first time now is it?!" Nikki had lightly retorted back joking with her a bit.

"You not right." Faith playfully said.

"You know I'm still trying." Faith playfully said again trying to lighten up the mood seeing that Karen's mood was overtaking the whole entire house. Faith knew that her mothers mood could change the atmosphere in a minute which was why she was so worried.

It wasn't to say that the other kids wasn't worried about Karen. It was just that Faith was more noisier than they are which makes her more susceptible to certain things when it comes to their mother.

But not only that Faith was also more inclined with her spiritual side when it came to having a gift of discernment from God.

Even though Faith was a wild card when she had first met her family her grandmother Mattie was the one to set her straight and with Mattie praying for all of her grandkids to have a covering it had went to Faith as well.

"I'm only worried for mama." Faith said knowing that Karen really haven't been right since then because it was like her mind was always somewhere else. Even if it was for a day or so the kids had noticed the difference and they had noticed that Karen was moving more slowly than before. It was as if she was moving like she knew she had a target on her back that she wasn't trying to set off which was scaring the older kids.

Because every once in a while Karen would sneak and look behind her as if someone was watching her. It was as if she had reverted back to her paranoia stage again when she had first escaped from Big J.

The only reason she was able to break out of it the first time was because one she was so sure that Big J was dead, two she wasn't anywhere near him, and three she had been in more intensive therapy for it.

But now it was like she was suffering from PTSD all over again because now here she was sitting on the couch with her back slightly turned towards the front door where the window was at as she had her thumb in her mouth sucking it.
But she was unaware that she was even doing this which was a sign that her mental health was about to go downhill because of what had happened yesterday.

When the kids had noticed this they didn't even know what to say. But with the babies being innocent as could be Kimberly had handed her mommy her pacifier thinking that she had needed one.

Which had snapped Karen out of what she was doing.

"Mmm. Maaama." Kimberly said getting Karen's attention by tapping her pacifier on her legs and whenever Kimberly would tap Karen like how she was doing now often times it was so Karen could get something from her.

"Ooooh no baby mommy don't need this." Karen said being shocked at how sweet Kimberly was being seeing that she really ain't messed with nobody but her.

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