Big J Part 1

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Notes: Karen and Drew prepares for the court case with Big J.

It was the next month and everybody was preparing for the court case Harmony had finally told what had happened to her when they was living with Toya and Karen was livid.

Karen knew that Big J was foul but she didn't know how foul he was because those were her babies and for him to try to do what her father did to her was insane because he wasn't even their dad.

Drew was heated. He had just hoped that they would win the case and that Big J would be executed because why was he even allowed to be around kids in the first place?

It wasn't that he had hurt Melody and Harmony in anyway directly no he had got someone else to do his dirty work for him but he was definitely the mastermind behind all of it.

And the branding was to make sure that no other pimp could take the girls for his own just in case if a pimp did try to lie about it. He could easily identify them if he was somehow to drunk to do ID them himself if he had needed too.

But not only that Nikki had went back along with her mother to the center after Karen had shared somethings with her and now Nikki had to testify because that had made her a witness.

Back at home:

So here everyone was at Karen's house in the dining room preparing for the case.

"Mama since, Melody and Harmony have to give their testimonies along with Nikki being a witness on the stand..." Faith had started to ask her mama. "Can I go?!" Faith had asked her.

"Because if you think about it if I gotta stay at home and watch these kids that would be like leaving me out and I need to support my sistas." Faith said being very animated and dramatic but also very serious about it at the same time.

"And plus I hate to say it but that's my dad and I wanna see him gets whats coming to him because he deserve everything bad and more." Faith told her.

"Yes, Faith you can go." Karen said as she just shook her head at how her daughter was acting.

Because she knows if she had said no then Faith would've found a way to be there anyways and in disguise much like the first time she had snuck into one of her court cases.

"Yesss thank youuu." Faith said all happily while nodding her head.

"Because I've been doing some research on my own about him and he's crazy." Faith said.

"Yes, Faith we know that which is why we want capital punishment for him. He don't need to have any chance of being let loose out on the streets." Drew said shaking his head no.

"And the way he did my babies I don't play that." Karen said putting a hand on her hip.

"Because I know how long that branding takes to heal." Karen said as she had lightly rubbed, Harmony's back who was over all of it.

"Mom it was nothing." Harmony said trying to play it off and Karen just shook her head at her baby knowing that she wasn't about to show her true feelings about it.

"Well we ain't gonna worry about nuthin' alright?!" Mattie had said as Mama Sheard had agreed with her nodding her head.

"He's gonna get what he deserves because he shouldn't have even been interested in your mother no way." Mattie said. "A child." She said shaking her head.

"He shouldn't have even been on the streets for as long as he was there." Mattie said.

"He should've been registered." Mattie said.

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