The return

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Notes: Drew returns back home to Karen after being away from her for a month.

It was a week later when Drew had stopped by the house to see how his wife was doing because if he was being honest with himself he couldn't bare to be away from Karen for another minute.

Yes he needed sometime to himself to think things over and how they were gonna proceed on with their marriage. But he couldn't believe that he had actually thought about getting a divorce again. The firs time was when Toya had came around wrecking havoc in their marriage and he had threatened her with a divorce and now this one and it had seemed like that had came back to bite him.

Now here he was coming through the front door not realizing that Karen was laying on the couch in the living room watching tv.

He had looked around and noticed that the house was as clean as could be but he had his mother and mother-in-law to think for that because if not it would've been a mess without their help.

When Karen heard the door close back she had thought that it was either Mama Sheard or her mama. But when she heard those familiar footsteps again her lips started quivering not knowing what to do as she had her crunches on the side of the wall.

But when Karen didn't dare to move to sit back up that concerned, Drew because usually she would just to see who was there.

"Karen?!" Drew said looking at his wife who had looked a tad bit sickly.

Mama Sheard didn't exactly say how sick Karen was but she did tell him somethings. So when he had seen his wife he had felt bad for leaving and when his eyes had landed on the crunches he became even more concerned because when he did see her for that last time she did have on a cast. But she didn't have the crunches with her so this let him know that it was serious.

But before Karen could even answer him she just sniffled forcing back her tears trying to act as if she wasn't just about to cry.

"What are you doing here?" Karen asked him trying to act all tough but Drew could see right through that and so he just ignored her.

"I came by to see how my wife was doing." He told her.

"Mh." Karen simply said sounding all dry as if she was uninterested in talking to Drew.

"Karen don't be like that." He told her sitting down on the couch right next to her as he had lifted up her feet and put them on his lap getting a better look at his wife's broken leg.

"How long are you supposed to wear this?" Drew asked her trying to start a civil conversation with her. But Karen was being petty and turned herself around and forced herself to crawl upward getting her legs off of Drew and Drew just shook his head.

"Really Karen?!" Drew asked her.

"I know that hurt you move than it hurt me." He told her wanting to laugh because he know that Karen was in pain for trying to be petty just now.

"Be quiet." Karen said sucking her teeth and rolling her eyes at him. She hated to admit it but he was right her leg was killing her now because she just had to do the most.

"No but seriously how are you doing?" He asked her wanting to know.

But Karen had continued to ignore him watching the tv with the remote control in her hand and Drew had sense enough to reach over there and take it from her to turn off the tv so they could talk about what's going to happen next with their marriage. But he just decided to let Karen be Karen because right now she wasn't ready to talk to him anymore like she was before.

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