What happened?!!

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Notes: Faith starts to go back to her old ways and something tragic happens.

It was two weeks later and Faith and Karen still wasn't on talking terms and Karen had decided that she was gonna finally give in and talk to her daughter first about how she had been acting lately. However, whenever Karen did try to talk too her Faith would obviously avoid her or either ignore her and Karen didn't know which was worse.

"Faith. I'm tryin' to talk to you and this is how you're gonna treat me?!" Karen said sounding as if she was wasting her breath once again and Faith had just walked away from her mother without acknowledging her as if Karen had owed her something when in reality it was Faith who owed her mother an apology.

"I don't even know why I try." Karen said giving up as she shrugged her shoulders.

"If you want me to give up on you then so be it. It ain't nothing to me because what you not gonna do is put me in the hospital because you're trying to stress me out on purpose." Karen said calling her out.

And so, Karen had just walked away from her daughter like Faith was doing to her until she had stopped in her tracks to say some more to her daughter hopefully letting it get through her daughter head that she actually does care about her. But Faith wasn't seeing it for some odd reason.

"I'm done playing this game with you, Faith. I'm tired of the back and forth." Karen said being very animated with her hands as if she was making an "X" with them show how done she was with her.

"If you wanna be grown go on ahead. But don't come crawling back to me when you need help with something. Because the only thing that I'm a do as a parent is what I signed up to do which was to take care of Ace and Audrey and that's it. Since you wanna act like you so grown you go on ahead and be grown. I could care less." Karen said saying her peace and standing on business.

But Faith thought her mama was just frontin' or over reacting for no reason. So she had rolled her eyes and went ahead and was starting to do what Karen said she was gonna do.

Much to her mothers annoyance, Faith didn't get the severity of Karen's message to her.

This was Faith's last warning and she was standing on thin ice with her mother.

"I'm so done with her." Karen said fed up as could be as she had took her time walking up the steps because she could already feel the stress trying to move throughout her body.

"Maybe she do need to go to my mama's house for the Summer." Karen said not knowing what else to do with her daughter. But Karen wasn't about to admit that out loud because then to her it would mean her parenting style was failing when she would try to be a gentle parent with Faith. But she was soon learning that gentle parenting didn't work on her because Faith wasn't a gentle child. She was trying to act as if she was a thug yet a baby at the same time and Karen didn't understand it.

Meanwhile, Faith was getting ready to go out somewhere without her mothers permission after she had been doing so good with asking her after the accident with Ace.

But it was like she made a whole 360 and did not care to ask for her mothers permission anymore. And Karen had just stopped caring even though she would still lowkey look out for her.

She just wouldn't let Faith know since Faith wanted to have her stink attitude about it. Karen kept it to herself hoping and praying that Faith would turn back around before something bad happened to her. Because at this moment in time, Karen had to go lie down in bed because her whole body was aching and the only person who she could blame for that was Faith and there wasn't no denying it.

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