Untitled Part 71

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Horikita was really worried that his sister couldn't stand Ying Ye Zhenshi's stimulation.

That's why there are the second sentence, the third sentence and the fourth sentence. .

Want to make things clear.

"You're welcome, I understand what you mean.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful."

Ying Ye Zhenshi looked at the other party's cautious look and smiled.

Respond carefully to the other party.

Such a sister-in-law seems to be very cute.

For such a sister-in-law, he also knows that he can't mess around.

Unless he is called uncle at some point, he will be chased and killed if he messes around.

'Yes, uncle. '

"That's good."

Horikita didn't know Ying Ye Zhenshi's reverie, so he nodded seriously.

What a poor child, not only has to lead the class to compete, but also is busy with the affairs of the student union, and now he has to take care of his younger sister.

"What do you think of what I just posted?"

"Have you checked?"

"Is there any chance?"

When the dessert was served, Ying Ye Zhenshi changed the subject and didn't listen to Horikita talking about his sister anymore.

What used to be obedient and cute.

It's pretty cute now, don't doubt it, it's just too cold, otherwise I want to call you uncle. .

I know you are a sister-in-law, Horikita, don't keep emphasizing your identity, bastard.

I feel that once the disguise is removed in front of others, it will be easy to speak.

This Horikita, after Ying Ye Zhenshi knew that he was the sister-controller, he made no secret of it.

The same goes for Kushida Kikyo.

Thinking about it carefully, one of these two wanted to make his sister well, and the other wanted Horikita Suzuki to drop out of school.

Yet both are in him and communicate.

This circle of relationships seems a bit complicated.

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