Untitled Part 74

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The irritable Sudou Takeru left.

Leave behind the classmates who peeked at each other in the class.

This red-haired boy is still so unreasonable.

As for Hirata and the others here.

"what is this."

"It's really disgusting to help him study with good intentions."

"Such a person should ignore him, Hirata-san."

"And you, you won't do the same."

"Should we beg you to join? If you want to leave, just leave quickly.

It was Megumi Karuizawa who spoke, speaking dissatisfiedly.

She was very unhappy with Sudou Takeru.

Regardless of personality reasons, Ying Ye Zhenshi was offended by the other party, which was enough for her to be angry.

Attention shifted to Haruki Yamauchi and Kanji Ike.

These two, she didn't like either.

It's a bit of a rush.

"Karuizawa-san, don't be like this, it's fine.

Yosuke Hirata forced a smile.

He actually didn't want the other party to say such a thing.

But there is nothing to blame at this time, otherwise it would be a bigger conflict.

"For your sake, hum."

Karuizawa Megumi snorted at Ike Kanji and the two of them.

"Sudou-san is indeed a little too much."

"Chi-san, Yamauchi-san, can you join our study session?"

The two over there started a conversation, and Kushida Kikyo spoke in a low voice, looking to the side pitifully.

Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki looked at Hirata.

In fact, they want to refuse, because they don't like Hirata, the hot girl, and Karuizawa Megumi, the hot girl, still doesn't like their appearance.

But he hesitated and still didn't refuse, on the one hand, it was because of Kushida Kikyo.

On the other hand, it was they who fell out with Takeru Sudou.

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