Untitled Part 91

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The students in the class felt Horikita Suzune's intelligence.

I also felt the benefits of having a smart classmate.

And Horikita Suzune himself, looking at Ike Kanji's look of finding hope, couldn't help but strike.

"Don't be too happy too early, this is just the best situation, and even if the contract is cancelled, you will be in trouble, if there are smart people in Class A, they will sue you for providing untrue information, sue You cheated, although the amount was not much, but you took their points is real. "Cheating is definitely not a trivial matter."

"At least you have to get a demerit penalty, and in the worst case, you still have to be fired, so I suggest that if you have 200,000 yuan, you should reach a settlement with them. This is the best way. If not, you can consider the latter way, anyway. The worst thing is to get fired."

Horikita Suzune spoke directly.

Although she provided a solution for the other party, it was not a good solution, and the final result was 'not dead but also disabled

While speaking, he still looked towards Ying Ye Zhenshi.

It's good to see that the other party has no opinion.

The task she received was to come here to collect information and improve her status in the class.

In this way, it should be able to show some strength and be convincing.

As for whether it can be done later, she didn't care at all.

In her opinion, the unlucky fellow was doomed.

After offending Ying Ye Zhenshi, you can't even think about staying well.

After meeting Ying Ye Zhenshi that night, she decided that he was a devil.

"This is a solution, thank you very much, Horikita."

Although the result was not very satisfactory, it was still an extra way. Ike Kanji looked at Hirata, but the other party didn't know what to do at this time, so he could only look at Kushida Kikyo.

"Little Kushida, if we go together for this matter, can you help me make up the points?"

"I need your help right now..."

With the reputation of the other party, you can borrow a lot of points.

If you can't borrow it in the class, you will go to other classes on "May 17".

The hope now can only be placed on Kushida.

Although he took the 20,000 points at the beginning, and Kushida Kikyo was not allocated at all, but it was completely voluntary by the other party.

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