Untitled Part 79

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There was silence.

For the current situation, they are indeed troubled.

That person Ying Ye Zhenshi, persuasion is not so simple.

"Is there any other way? For example, let's collect some points and buy Sudou a position in the basketball club."

"I've already said it before, points, you can buy anything in this school. 11

Ayanokōji Kiyotaka looked at the inexplicable atmosphere and said flatly.

This method is like the light that pierces the darkness.

"Wow, Ayanokōji-san, you are so smart."

"This seems to be a way."

Kushida Kikyo was a little surprised.

This man seems to be a little calmer than she imagined.

Originally thought that this guy was not a good thing, because he didn't care about Sudou at all, but now he made a good proposal.

It seems that he is the type with a good brain, although his grades seem to be poor.

Inexplicably, looking at Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, Kushida Kikyo thought of the very first Ying Ye Zhenshi.

Although some places are different, the state of being low-key and unnoticed at the beginning, quietly understanding everything, is still the same.

"Ayanokōji, you're so smart."

Sudou Takeru was a little excited.

"It's really a good idea."

Hirata Yosuke also felt like he was on the edge of a dead end.

He needs to make good use of the school rules.

Points are indeed a good way.

"What about the points?"

Seeing that everyone was happy, Kiyotaka Ayanokouji gave them a blow.

"If the number is small, you can still borrow it. If it is too much, there may be no way. This is a difficult problem, and the class does not have points now.

These words, like pouring cold water, Sudou Ken thought that he still owed that annoying guy tens of thousands of points.

The numbers are a bit disappointing, but give them some hope.

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