Extra Chapter: The Best Man Part. 2

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"I'm Natalia."


Her eyes twinkled. "How old are you?"

"Eight," he grinned, "you?"


"You're a baby."

"No I'm not!" she groaned, folding her arms for a moment as he laughed. However, the mere fact that she was talking to someone around her own age made her anger instantly dissipate. "What are you doing?"

He pointed to the adult behind the hot dog stand. "Hanging out with my dad," he said. "He's working so I stay here with him sometimes. What about you?"

"Hanging out with a man with orange hair."

"Do you know him?"

Natalia shook her head. "No."

Lyle furrowed his brows. "Why are you with him?"

"Because I wanted to come to the city and make friends."

The boy's furrow deepened. "You don't come to the city?"

"No," she shook her head, "my dad doesn't let me."

"Ah," he understood, "my dad works here so I'm always here."

"Do you want to be friends then?"

The boy's face brightened, his eyes even twinkling as he frantically nodded his head. "I would lov—"

"I ran all over the place for you!" Suddenly, Natalia felt a metallic arm reach around her waist and lift her up, throwing her over his shoulder. "You can't run off like that!"

As Nate carried her on his shoulder, receiving a few confused eyes from nearby civilians, he sent apologetic smiles as he tried to hurry away. However, Natalia glanced back towards the only friend she ever made and shouted, "I'll come back! Wait for me!"

Nate had been panicking; if he had lost Natalia, Lucius would definitely have sliced his throat and cut him into tiny pieces. Thank goodness that a few nearby bystanders had pointed him into the direction she had run off too. The fact that she was tiny made it easy for her to stealthily race through crowds, and her footsteps were as quiet as one of a cat.

Natalia could feel that he was irritated, especially when he shoved her inside the car and drove off without saying a word. The continuous tapping of his metallic finger against his steering wheel made it more evident, and she rolled her eyes, folding her arms over the seatbelt that Nate made certain was much tighter than it should be.

"It's not that big of a deal."

"Not that big of a..." Nate glanced over his seat while driving, his eyes widening in horror as he remembered the deep stabs Lucius had done into Blue's stomach, or the way he had pounded his head so much that Blue's skull had dented and splattered brain matter all of the bloody floor. There was no way she knew any of that stuff, which was why he returned his eyes to the road and continued to aggressively tap against the steering wheel.

If only she knew the danger she had put his life  into...

"You're never staying alone in my care again," Nate spat, eyeing her from the rear view mirror and seeing her lips pucker into a pout. "Do you run off like that when you go out with your father?"

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