Chapter 2: Starbucks Stranger that isn't really a stranger

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Chapter 2: Starbucks Stranger that isn't really a stranger

The next day I woke up at 7:00am to my alarm. I turned it off and got up. I went into my bathroom and had a shower. After 25 minutes in the shower and ended up looking like a raisin I went into my walk in closet to pick an outfit. I decided on white denim shorts, a Blink 182 tank top, a red chequered shirt that I wore as a jacket and my black biker boots. After I got changed into my outfit I went back into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I dried my dark chocolate hair with hot pink dip dye and then curled it, I backcombed it a little bit to give it more volume. For my make up I applied a tiny bit of foundation, a little bit of liquid eyeliner to define my sapphire blue eyes and a layer of candy floss lip gloss.

I went downstairs to watch some TV. No one was up yet. Mum and dad don't get up till 10:00am and Jackson probably will roll out of bed at around 2:00pm. He really isn't a morning person. He only gets up early if he has to work and it is Saturday which is his day off. I looked at the clock 8:00am. I grabbed my car keys, my university brochures and walked out the door. I got in the car and decided to drive to Starbucks my favourite coffee shop. I parked my white Mini Cooper and went into Starbucks.

"Hey Macy would you like your usual?" Kevin said.

"Yes please Kev, how's the family?" I replied, I was a regular here and everyone knew me.

"Yeah they're good thanks, that will be £2.60 please"

"Can I have a blueberry muffin as well please?"

"Yeah sure, that will make it £3.70"

I handed him the money and he gave me my blueberry muffin.

"So what are you doing in here today?" Kevin asked.

"Oh you know, looking at university brochures because my gap year is nearly over." I waved the brochures in his face.

"What do you want to study?"

"Music and I already have a university in mind"

"Which one?"

"Well you know how I have always wanted to go to America?"

"Yeah" Kevin looked puzzled.

"Well I want to go to New York University and study Music because they are really good at performing arts and everything"

"Awesome, well if you do go I will miss you"

"Yeah I'll miss you too Kevin and everyone in here"

"Yo Macy, your latte is ready" Gabe shouted.

I grabbed my latte and took a sip. It needed sugar. I headed to what I call the sugar station and put 2 sugars in and stirred it.

"You like Blink 182?" someone asked. I didn't even have to look up and I knew who it was but I looked up anyway. Standing in front of me was Cameron Hurley.

"Yeah, they are awesome" I replied. Why was I so calm around him? Over the past 2 years I have been freaking out about a moment like this and when it comes I am completely calm. What is wrong with me?

"What is your favourite album?" Cameron asked while putting sugar in his coffee.

"Take Off Your Pants And Jacket" I said.

"Your a bit forward aren't you?" he chuckled at his own joke and i laughed with him. "No but seriously it is a really good album" he added.

"That was a terrible joke" i chuckled and he looked at me offended.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad, i thought it was quite clever"

"No it wasn't that bad and it was really clever"

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Where stories live. Discover now