Chapter 12: After Party

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Chapter 12: After Party

When We Are The In Crowd finished their set Cameron ran off stage and gave me a hug.

"Eww you're sweaty" I pushed on his chest.

"So what, Don't you like it?"

"No, I repeat you're sweaty"

"Okay let me go shower"

"They have showers here?"

"Yep, I'll be back in 10"


He ran off to go and have a shower while I went back to my dressing room.

10 minutes later

"Hey, what you doing?" Cameron stood in the doorway.

"Nothing just chilling, waiting for you"

"Aww, you were waiting for me?"

"Yes you American Idiot"

"I see what you did there" he laughed. I grabbed my guitar and we headed outside, our fingers entwined. We were just outside the backstage door when I recognised four people. Oh Shit. It was my brother and best friends, luckily they hadn't noticed me yet. I let go of Cameron's hand.

"Hey, I was enjoying that" he pouted.

"Tough, my brother and friends are over there and we don't want them to suspect anything do we?"

"No we don't"

We continued walking towards them.

"Macy" Allie shouted. Shit.

"Allie" she ran into my arms and hugged me tight.

"I was really mad when you said you couldn't come but now I'm not"

"Oh good, I'm glad" I looked at my brother.

"Why didn't you tell me Macy?" he said.

"What did I tell you last night? I don't have to tell you everything I do" he winced when I said that. Allie finally let go of me, leaving my face to face with the four of them. I forgot Cameron was by my side until he coughed.

"Guys this is Cameron" I announced.

"Cameron, this is Allie, Charlie, Daisy and my brother Jackson" I gestured to them individually.

"Hi, did you enjoy the show?" Cameron asked.

"Yes! It was brilliant!" Allie didn't hold back. Damn that girl.

"I'm glad. Macy was awesome wasn't she?"

"Yes she was" Jackson replied looking Cameron up and down. Oh Great, he's judging him and is going to jump to conclusions.

"Macy are you coming to the After Party?" Cameron asked me. After Party? What After Party?

"What After Party?"

"The after party back at our hotel"

"Yeah okay"

"Plus I want to spend more time with you" he whispered in my ear while my brother and friends looked at me confused.


We waited for the rest of We Are The In Crowd to come out.

"Hey, motherfuckers are we going or not?" Mike asked approaching us.

"Yeah we are" Cameron replied.

"Anyway guys, it was great seeing you, hoped you enjoyed the show but I've got to go so I will see you tomorrow" I said to my friends and brother.

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Where stories live. Discover now