Chapter 40: First Writing Session

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Chapter 40: First Writing Session

We Are The In Crowd arrived! I've been reunited with Cameron. He arrived late last night and apparently he told the receptionist his room but she refused to give him the key. So after him working his charm she gave it to him and he crept into bed with me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I have got to admit it was amazing to wake up to that cheeky smile of his. Today we are all going into the studio to write. We Are The In Crowd are writing and recording a new single and so are Lost In Neverland.

"Macy are you ready to go?" Cameron asked leaning against the doorway. I quickly brushed my hair, grabbed my bag and guitar and walked towards Cameron.

"Yep" I lightly kissed him on the cheek but he pouted so I kissed him on the lips. How could I ignore his puppy dog face? It's so cute.

Lost In Neverland and We Are The In Crowd all walked to Hopeless Records. Yes walked (I've never had that much exercise in my life). I made Cameron give me a piggy back (I'm not that heavy so he didn't mind). When we arrived we headed to a recording studio and all sat down to write.

"Any body got any ideas?" Toby asked.

"Nope" Dylan replied.

"We've all ready written some stuff do we only need to record a single to release" Tay said. Dylan, Toby, Drew and I all moaned.

"That's great Tay, for you I mean not for us" Drew's voice dripped with sarcasm.

"We've got to figure out something" Dylan sighed.

"Macy you got any ideas?" Everyone looked at me.

"Why are you looking at me? I'm not the only one doing Songwriting at NYU"

"Because you're the good songwriter"

"I'm flattered but no" we sat in silence. Cameron playing his guitar and kept looking at me while I racked my brain for song ideas.

Here I am 

This is me 

This is who I wanna be 

No one can change me 

'Cause I won't let them

I stood up quickly and everyone looked at me.

"Guys, I have an idea" I announced, everyone cheered and the rest of Lost In Neverland suffocated me.

"Can't breathe.... lungs giving out" I gasped once they pulled away. Cameron came over to me.

"You're such a drama queen" he said.

"That's why you love me" I stated.

"That is true"

I kissed his cheek as he wrapped his arms around me.

"You two are so cute" Dylan commented. I looked up and gave him the glare, he just put his hands up in defence.

"What are you doing later?" Cameron whispered in my ear.

"Nothing why?"

"We're having a movie night in our hotel room"


"So then guys we need to write this song" Toby picked up a guitar and started playing a random riff.

"What's that?" I asked curiously.

"A riff that just popped into my head"

"Awesome, maybe we could use that with Macy's idea" Drew announced. Toby and I nodded. Drew went over to the drum kit and started playing, Dylan soon followed with a bass riff. This could work. I started to sing.

The voices in side my head are screaming to me

They tell me to change who I wanna be

I tell them no and that they should go


Here I am 

This is me 

This is who I wanna be 

No one can change me 

'Cause I won't let them

Love me, Take me for who I am

If you don't, then leave, I really don't give a damn

I will be strong for you

Even if I feel blue

Here I am 

This is me 

This is who I wanna be 

No one can change me 

'Cause I won't let them

Be strong

Don't change

I've done no wrong

I'm not that strange


Here I am 

This is me 

This is who I wanna be 

No one can change me 

'Cause I won't let them

Love me, Take me, Never change me

If you don't then I will have to set you free

Once we had finished we all looked at We Are The In Crowd who's mouths all hung wide open.

"Shut your mouths, you'll catch flies" Dylan said putting his bass down.

"Macy did you just come up with that on the spot?" Tay asked. I nodded.

"That is an amazing ability and song"

"Thank you" I said, everyone was still looking at us in awe.

"What's it called?" Jordan asked.

"Here I am" we all said in unison. Jordan nodded and looked at Tay.

"That should be your first single" she said while the rest nodded.

We (Lost In Neverland) went into the recording studio and set up. After setting up we started recording.

2 hours later

Finally we had our first single! We played it to Charles and he said he loved it, there was just one thing missing. A manager. Maggie Sheridan is one of our general managers and Martin Price is also our general manager and tour manager. So we had a management team, a crew and a single. We were one very happy band. We Are The In Crowd are going on tour in the UK, then to Reading and Leeds festival and finally touring with New Found Glory before recording their new album and Lost In Neverland are going with them (not performing, which sucks but oh well).

I go to Reading festival every year with my brother and friends, we have for the past 5 years. the first time we went was when we had just finished our GCSE exams. It was a gift from all our parents to go for the weekend, just the four of us and now I'm going back and continuing the tradition.

We were given the choice to go for the weekend at Reading or the weekend at Leeds. We chose Reading (even though that means I won't be able to see Cameron until the Sunday, but I do get to see my friends and brother). And guess what? WE'RE GETTING OUR OWN TOUR BUS! So we don't have to sleep in a tent at Reading festival (it can get quite muddy and you can hardly sleep). So excited!

Anyway back to the moment in hand. We are all walking back to the hotel because we need rest and food. Mike is giving Cameron a piggy back whilst Rob and Tay are taking selfies. I'm walking with Dylan, watching my boyfriend act like an idiot (I've got to admit it is really funny).

We got to the hotel. Cameron and I going to our room. Let movie night begin!

I do own the song in this chapter. Just Saying. Hope you all had a good Christmas and I will update before the new year so yeah.

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Where stories live. Discover now