Chapter 8: Interrogation

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Chapter 8: Interrogation

My mum, dad and Jackson walked through the door. I was sitting on the sofa reading a book.

"Hello sweetie, how are you?" my mum said walking into the living room.

"I'm fine mum how are you?"

"I am okay"

"How's Auntie Megan and Uncle Joe?"

"They are fine, they have a baby girl on the way"

"Congratulations to them, they deserve it"

"Yes they do"

My dad and Jackson came into the room. Jackson sat down next to me.

"Hey little sis, what did you do yesterday while we were gone?" Here we go, interrogation. I might as well be in a police station.

"Nothing much, just stayed at home and sent off my NYU application"

"Really that's it?"

"Yes Jackson that is it"

"But I got a phone call of Allie saying that she saw you with some guy messing around in the Duck Pond"

"What? No" I didn't even notice anyone watching and if it was Allie watching I was in deep shit if she figured out who the guy was.

"So you weren't with a guy?"

"No Jackson, I was not with a guy and why does it matter if I was?"

"Because you are my little sister and I need to look out for you"

"I wasn't with a guy, Allie might of seen a girl that looked like me but wasn't me"

"Okay fine. There are loads of girls with the same hair colour as you"

"Exactly" Thank God he dropped the subject, knowing me and my big mouth I could of spilt everything that happened in the last 24 hours.

I stood up and went upstairs to my room. I shut the door behind me and my phone started ringing.

"Hey are you free tonight?" Cameron asked.


"Good because I'm taking you on our second date"


"Wear something casual"


"Because I told you to"


"Did your parents or brother suspect anything?"

"Nope, but my best friend Allie was apparently in the park last night and saw us. Actually she saw me, she didn't see you but she told my brother"

"What did you say?"

"I told him that I wasn't with anyone and I was at home. I also told him that she could of possibly seen someone she thought was me but not me"

"Good, I'm guessing you want to keep this secret?"

"Yes, for now, just until I go to New York"

"What will happen when you are in New York?"

"I will just tell my parents and brother that I met a guy. They can't do anything Cameron they will be thousands of miles away"

"Okay fine. I will pick you up at 5pm"

"Okay" he hung up and I put my phone on my bed.

I walked into my closet to choose a 'casual' outfit. I finally chose black skinny jeans, an Green Day tank top and a red plaid shirt. For shoes I decided to wear my red Converse.

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Where stories live. Discover now