Chapter 16: What are we?

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Chapter 16: What are we?

I woke up the next day feeling refreshed. Today was the day. The day that I was going to confront Cameron about 'us'. I had a quick shower and then pulled on some ripped black skinny jeans and a You Me At Six tank top with my black Vans. I let my hair dry naturally so it dried in it's natural waves. It was hot out so it wouldn't take too long to dry.

I grabbed my keys from my bedside table and walked downstairs. No one was around. Good. I walked out the front door and went to my car. I got in and turned on the ignition. I started driving towards Cameron's hotel. I was going to surprise him.

I parked in the hotel car park and locked my car. I walked straight into the lift pushing the button that said three on it. Cameron and We Are The In Crowd were all staying on level three. The lift dinged, announcing I had arrived at level three. As the doors slid open I walked straight to Cameron's room three hundred and sixteen.

I gathered my thoughts and courage. Just ask him Macy, it's not that hard it's only Cameron. Exactly it's only Cameron. 6 days ago if someone told me I was going to be standing outside Cameron Hurley's hotel room about to ask him what our friendship/relationship was I would of told them that they were mental and would advise them to enter a mental hospital or get their head checked out. But here I was doing exactly that.

I knocked on the door to be greeted by a very good looking Cameron. His hair was a mess like he had just got up, he was wearing a Glamor Kills vest and black skinny jeans.

"Macy?" he was definitely surprised.

"Hey, can I come in?"

"Sure" he stepped aside to let me walk in shitting the door behind him.

"I need to ask you something" I said. I was about to chicken out like the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard Of Oz but then I remembered I promised Jackson I would ask him what was going on.

"Okay, shoot"

"What are we?" his eyes went wide. He really wasn't expecting this.

"What do you want us to be?" he asked.

"Don't answer my question with a question. Answer my question Cameron,what are we?"

"I don't know Macy, what do you want us to be?"

"I honestly don't know, what do you want?"

"I know what I want Macy but what do you want?"

"You" I whispered. I didn't want him to hear me and I don't think he did.

"What?" he asked. Nope he didn't hear me. Good.

"I don't know, I'm just confused at what we are. Are we friends?"

"We are more than friends Macy"

"So what are we?"

"Macy tell me what you want us to be? Do you want us to be friends?"


"Do you want us to be more than friends?"

"I don't know because you live in New York and I live here in London"

"Yeah and you've applied to go to New York University which you find out if you got accepted in a weeks time"

"Yeah so?"

"So if you get accepted you will be in New York"

"I guess"

"Macy what are you scared of?"


"Okay, I will ask you again. Do you want to be more than friends?" I actually didn't know what I wanted.

"What do you want?" I asked.

Suddenly Cameron took a step towards me and pulled me closer to him. He crashed his lips on to mine and I kissed him back. He slightly pulled away breathless.

"I want you Macy. No one else, just you for you"

"I want you too Cameron"

"Macy Roux Rodriguez?"

"Yes Cameron Hurley"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I couldn't take it anymore. I crashed my lips back onto his and I felt him smile. I was the one to pull away this time.

"I'll take that as a yes" he said and then kissed my neck gently.

"Mmhmm" was all I could say. What just happened had completely left me speechless. This man was mine, all mine and I was his. I pinched myself to see if it was a dream.

"Why did you just pinch yourself?"

"To see if I was dreaming"

"You are definitely not dreaming Macy" and he was right, I definitely was NOT dreaming.

"Cameron we only have 8 days left"

"Well then we'll have to make the most of it" he kissed me again and picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist not breaking the kiss. He put me down on the sofa, straddling me. Oh Hell No! I grabbed his arms and flipped us over so I was straddling him, still not breaking the kiss. He smiled under my lips. This guy was fucking adorable even if he didn't want to admit it.

This moment right now is perfect and I never want it to end.

I decided that I couldn't keep you guys waiting until the 7th August so I updated for you lovely people. I come home on Tuesday but I will update before then.

So they are finally a couple! What did you think? Please vote and comment your thoughts.

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora