Chapter 36: Birthday Sex Part 1

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Chapter 36: Birthday Sex Part 1

As the chapter title says there is a smut scene if you've not figured that out (i did make it quite obvious because its in the title, sort of)

Cameron opened the door and then walked in with me following. I shut the door behind me and leant against it. He turned around to look at me with lust in his eyes, I looked at him with confusion, head tilted to the side. He walked over to me, tangled his hands in my hair and hungrily kissed me. He licked my bottom lip but I refused access which he didn't like so he bit down on my lip, which gave me no choice but to give him access. I was trying to tease him.

I felt his 'excitement' against my leg. Bloody hell, he got excited quickly.

"Cameron" I gasped as he sucked my sweet spot.

"Mhmm" he moaned in response.

"Let's go upstairs" I whispered. He grabbed the back of my thighs and lifted my up onto his waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, not breaking the kiss. We walked upstairs, or more like stumbled upstairs. I held on to Cameron as tight as I could, tugging on his nape hair (hair near the back of the neck). We made it up to the bedroom in one piece and then fell on the bed, still kissing. This was impressive.

I reached down to Cameron's jeans and unzipped them. Fuck there's a button. I undid the button with a little bit of difficulty but I doubt Cameron was gonna help, he was too busy eating my face (we'd only just had dinner, for fucks sake). He moved backwards so he was on his knees pulling me up with him so I was in sitting position (still not breaking the kiss). He pulled off my shirt and I knew he was going to rip my Hollister vest top off. Hell NO! I broke the kiss and pulled it over my head. Cameron looked at me confused.

"You are not ripping my favourite vest top from Hollister" he chuckled. I pointed to his shirt "Off, then it's fair" I said. He did as he was told and pulled his shirt off. I placed my hand on his nape and pulled his head towards me. Our lips crashed together and then moved in sync. I reached into my pocket and then pulled out another condom (when I was in the bathroom earlier I took one out of the cupboard because I knew this was going to happen and I didn't want Cameron to leave me to go get one). I held it up between my index and middle fingers and put it in front of Cameron's face.

He looked at me quizzically but soon took it off me. He pulled down his jeans so he was standing in his boxers. He unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans pulling them off, lifting my hips to do so. He leant over me with one hand propping him up. He slammed his lips against mine and at some point he unsnapped my bra and it was flung across the room. He started placing butterfly kisses along my jaw and down my neck. He sunk his teeth into my collar bone and I let out a moan. He continued kissing down my neck and along my collar bone.

Cameron pulled away, stood up and took off his boxers. Then he pulled at my lacy girl boxers (there is nothing wrong with girl boxers). I lifted my hips so he could get them off. He devoured my mouth with his and placed butterfly kisses along my jaw and neck. This is my birthday sex and I do not want it to be sweet. I wanted it to be sexy and maybe a little bit wild.

After a lot of kissing and start beginning to get stitch

Cameron laid next to me and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

"Thank you" I finally said once I regained enough air to speak.

"For what?" he murmured against my neck, his warm breath caressing it.

"The best birthday ever and for my first birthday sex in my entire life"

"You've never had sex on your birthday" he lifted his head to look at me.

"I've never been with anyone on my birthday to have sex with"

"Well there's a first for everything"

"Yeah you took my birthday virginity"

He chuckled at me and I giggled. Cameron pulled out of me and reached for his boxers, pulling them on and getting back into bed next to me. I got off the bed and walked to the foot of it, picking up my girl boxers and pulling them on. Then I picked up Cameron's t-shirt and pulled it over my head, the material hanging off me like a baggy dress.

"You look better in my clothes than I do" Cameron said whilst admiring my body.

"I think you've already said that before" I said getting into bed and snuggling into Cameron's side, my head on his chest.

"Well it's true" he chuckled. I tilted my neck to look at him an then gently kissed his lips.

"I love you Cameron Hurley and you've made this the best birthday ever"

"I love you too Macy Moo and I'm glad you enjoyed it, which was the best bit?"

"Meeting your family was nice but I've got to say the best bit was the sex"

"That was my favourite bit too" Cameron confessed.

"Anyway I'm tired so I'm going to sleep, goodnight Cameron" I said getting more comfortable in Cameron's arms.

"Goodnight Macy Moo"

I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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