Chapter 24: Don't leave me with her

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Chapter 24: Don't leave me with her

Cameron and I decided to leave Katie to unpack and take a walk. We were currently sitting on a bench in Washington Square.

"So what do you think of NYU so far?" Cameron asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"It's an amazing building, but I can't really answer that question until I start classes tomorrow, then I will tell you the answer"

"What do you think Katie?"

"She's okay, I guess"

"What do you mean?"

"She's a bit hyper active"

"She was excited"

"Did you see her when I walked into the room? I thought she was going to pounce on me like I was prey"

"Now you're just overreacting"

"Whatever" I rested my head on his shoulder and we watched the world go by. I looked up at Cameron and gently pressed my lips to his cheek. He turned to look at me.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"I'm gonna miss you" I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck.

"I'm gonna miss you too, but it's not going to be that long. We will see each other on Saturday"

"That's so far away"

"It will go really quickly, I promise" he kissed my temple.

"Please don't leave me" I said.

"I have to. I have a nice big bed and two dogs to go home to"

"Wouldn't you rather be with me?"

"Yes, but I can't"

"I'm sounding like such a needy girlfriend"

"No you're not. I understand why you're being like this, you are a little English fish in a new big American ocean and I don't blame you, it can be intimidating"

"You're right. I'm scared, I don't know anyone here"

"You will get to know people"

"Okay, but can I ask you something?"


"Please don't leave me with her?"


"Katie! That's who"

"Don't you like her?"

"She's too bubbly, active and out going. I don't get on with those types of people"

"I'm sure you will"

"I'll try"

"Good girl"

"I'm not a dog you know"

"I know, I just don't like seeing you angry"


We sat there for another thirty minutes and then we decided to head back to my room and Katie. Great (note sarcasm dear reader). We walked into my new room and found Katie sitting on her bed.

"Hey what courses are you doing?" she asked.

"Music and Song writing. How about you?" I replied.

"Literature and Philosophy" Bloody hell, someone so jolly is doing two serious and heavy subjects.


"Anyway I better be heading back home" Cameron announced. I hugged him.

"Please don't go" I whispered in his ear and he chuckled. He kissed me on the lips and then kissed my temple and left. Left me with her. Damn you Cameron Hurley. Damn You.

"Tell me about yourself?" Katie asked.

This is going to be a long night.

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Where stories live. Discover now