Chapter 45: I'm officially a university dropout

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Chapter 45: I'm officially a university dropout

So the next morning I took Cameron's advice and rang my dad.


"Hey dad, can I dropout of university?"

"Of course you can sweetheart, I told you if you were put into a band you could dropout of university."

"Okay thanks dad"

"How is everything out there?"

"Great, we've just come back from L.A, where we just recorded our new single"

"Brilliant, hope to see you soon"

"Yeah bye, love you"

"Love you too" he hung up and I squealed with joy. My phone buzzed.

Dylan: Drew, Toby and I are dropping out of NYU, shall we say you are to?

Macy: fuck yes

Dylan: we're officially university dropouts

Macy: Woohoo

"CAMERON!" I shouted

"What is it?"

"I'm officially a university dropout"

"Good for you Macy, now there is something I've got to tell you"


"In September and some of October, WATIC are going back to Los Angeles to record the full album"


"I wondered if you wanted to stay in London, or you can stay with Dylan, Toby and Drew, or you can go to L.A. with me"

I wanted to stay in London, but I wanted to go back to L.A. Suddenly I had an idea, how about my family go out to L.A. with me because then I'll be in L.A, near Cameron and I won't be lonely.

"I want to go to L.A, and I just might ask my family if they want to come too, if you don't mind that is"

"I really don't care Macy, I just don't want you to be lonely"

"And Dylan, Toby and Drew can come too"

"Yeah okay, we'll ask your family when we go and see them, and I'll ask Dylan, Toby and Drew"

"Thank you" I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

"I love you so much Cameron"

"I love you so much too Macy"

I get to see my family soon, and I can't wait.

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Where stories live. Discover now