Chapter 44: Birthday Sex Part 2

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Chapter 44: Birthday Sex Part 2

So after a two hour flight and a half an hour taxi ride, Cameron and I finally made it home. We walked through the front door and Cameron tossed the keys onto the cabinet. He turned around to look at me.

"So it's my birthday"

"Yeah" he walked towards me.

"And what did we do on your birthday?"

"Yeah so?"

"Well I think it's only fair that the same thing happens on my birthday"

"Oh really?"

"Yes really"

"Okay" I grabbed his hand and lead him towards the stairs.

"Let's go to the bedroom then"

So all I'm going to say is that Cameron got his birthday sex, I'm not going to go into detail because I've already done that more than once. Also I don't really want to brag and start getting hate because people are jealous. Anyway guess where I am?

Downstairs with my guitar playing random riffs. Guess where Cameron is?

In bed, sleeping.

I didn't have a nightmare or anything like that, I just needed some time to myself. I really miss home. I miss my family. I miss my mum. I miss my dad. I miss my brother. I really want to see my abuelo and abuela. I miss them so much. I miss Spain and I miss my family there. I miss my friends in Spain and in London. I didn't notice that I started to cry.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Guess who's up?

"Hey, you needed some time to yourself?" Cameron asked groggily, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah" I sniffled.

"Why are you crying? Was I that bad?" I couldn't help but giggle at that remark.

"No, I just realised how much I miss home" Cameron pulled me onto his lap and dried my tears.

"You do know it's okay to cry right?"


"Crying let's it all out and I know it's hard to be away from home"

"I don't want to go back to college"

"What did your dad say when you left London?"

"If you get put into a band, then you drop college okay?"

"Why?" I asked him.

"I know it's always been your dream to be in a band. I don't care if you drop out of college it's not costing me anything"

"He told you to drop out of college if you were put into a band. You're in a band Macy, you have a record deal and you're going to release your first single soon. You can drop out Macy, your dad wanted you to. If you want you can call him and ask him"

"Yeah I'm gonna ring him"

"Also if you drop out of college, you get to spend more time with me"

"Oh no, how will I live?"

"Hey, I'm not that bad"

"I know, I love you Pluto"

"I love you too Macy Moo"

"I'm tired" I said.

"Me too, shall we go to bed?"

"I think we shall"

Cameron pulled me up from the sofa and linked arms with me. We skipped to the stairs, ran up the stairs and then skipped to the bedroom.

We're two complete weirdos.

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Where stories live. Discover now