Chapter 23: University

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Chapter 23: University

Today's the day. Today's the day I leave Cameron. Not break up with him. Oh no, just leave him while I go to university. I really don't want to leave him. After the past two weeks, he means the world to me and I'm not ready to leave him. He's made so much come true for me: helping me with my NYU application, performing at the Roundhouse, letting me stay with him before I went to NYU and becoming my boyfriend (not that I was wishing that would happen). Alright you caught me, I did wish that he would become my boyfriend, I've wished it so long (well sort of). I wished to meet him, the boyfriend thing was a bonus.
As all of my things were already packed I didn't have to pack much (just the things that I wore and took out of my suitcase while at Cameron's).

"Macy! Are you ready?" Cameron shouted from downstairs. I didn't bother answering him. There was no point. I grabbed my suitcase and trudged downstairs. Once I reached the bottom step Cameron grabbed my suitcase from me. He lifted me off the step and kissed me whilst putting me down on the ground.

"God, I'm gonna miss that. A lot." He said once he pulled away. I giggled at him and he chuckled back.

"I know, I am too" I whispered.

"Can I tell you something"I asked, he raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah sure. What is it?"

"Kiss Me Again"

"I see what you did there" he chuckled. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him against me. He placed tiny butterfly kisses along my jaw and down to my neck, I let out a quite gasp. I let my fingers run wild in Cameron's hair. He let out a soft groan into my mouth. Oh My God. He wrapped one of his arms around my waist and hitched my leg up to his with the other. I knew what he was getting at, so I gave him what he wanted. I jumped up, wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, my fingers pulling at the bottom of his hairline, not breaking the kiss. This was too good to let go even if it was for a short time. I pulled away not because I wanted to but because couldn't breathe. Cameron looked into my eyes.

"Please don't go" he whispered breathlessly. Once again I take his breath away. What can I say?

"I don't want to but I have to" I replied.

"No you don't"

"Yes I do"

"No you d-" I pressed my lips to his just to shut him up, he stumbled back a little bit but quickly regained balance when he figured out what was happening. Suddenly I noticed I was moving. Backwards. Well Cameron was carrying me forwards but I was going backwards. I heard a thump, and I fell backwards on to the sofa with Cameron climbing on top of me, trying to get to my lips. When he got near and leaned forward to kiss me I turned my head so he ended up kissing my cheek.

"Aww you're so sweet" I giggled. He looked at me with surprise.

"Now that wasn't very nice"

"I'm not a very nice person"

"Oh really?"


"Okay but I beg to differ" he placed a gentle kiss on my lips and let them linger.

"We should get going" he said whilst getting up and walking over to the door. What a way to kill the moment.

I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. He picked up my suitcase and opened the door. We got in the car and drove to New York University.

We approached the building. We headed to the main reception.

"Hello, how can I help you?" the lady behind the desk asked.

"Hi, my name is Macy Rodriguez"

"Oh Miss Rodriguez, it is a pleasure to meet you" I glanced at Cameron who looked at me with a 'I think she's gone crazy' type look.

"My name is Patricia. You have been placed in the Hayden Hall. Room 245. Here is a map to show you where the hall is, here is a welcome pack, here is your schedule, here is your scholarship welcome guide and here is your room key. It is a five minute walk to classes across Washington Square. I hope you enjoy your experience here at New York University if you have any questions please don't be afraid to ask me or your residential hall director" she handed me various pieces of paper, booklets and welcome pack. I could here someone trying to supress laughter. I turned towards Cameron and glared at him, he put his hands up in defence.

"Thank you for you help Patricia. It was nice meeting you, I'm sure I will see you again" I politely smiled and walked away, grabbing Cameron's hand in the process and pulling him out of the door. Once we got outside Cameron burst into laughter.

"Oh hush you" I said whilst trying to look at the map.

"I'm sorry... but that was just too funny. The look on your face when she handed you all them things was priceless" he continued to laugh.

"Ha ha, very funny" I sarcastically said. I finally figured out how to read the map and where I was going, so I pulled up the handle on my suitcase and started walking with it dragging behind me. I left Cameron there laughing. I don't think he noticed I was gone.

"Hey Wait! Where are you going?" he shouted. I take that back, he had noticed I was gone. I heard footsteps running behind me but they slowed down to a walking pace when they reached my side.

"Going to my residential hall" I carried on walking. Cameron grabbed the map.

"Hey! Give that back"


"Why not?"

"Because you have no idea where you're going and your going in the wrong direction anyway"

"I am not"

"Yes you are, now follow me" there is no point in arguing with him. He lives is New York. He's a New Yorker, he knows where he's going. Cameron turned right and I followed.

After a five minute walk we finally arrived at my residential hall. We walked through the doors to be greeted by another woman.

"You must be Macy" she said in a southern accent.


"Welcome to Hayden Hall. This is where you will be living for your first year at New York University. My name is Claire and I'm the hall director. If you have any questions or problems just tell me and I will try and help you the best way I can"

"Thank you" I smiled and headed to my room. Cameron following. We walked up two flights of stairs, a really long corridor and arrived at room 245. My new home for the next year. I placed the key in the lock and turned it. I opened the door to be greeted by a girl unpacking.

"Hello you must be my roommate, I'm Katie" she held out her hand and I shook it as a polite gesture.

"I'm Macy and this is my boyfriend Cameron" Cameron waved and she waved back.

"Hey, our names rhyme. Macy and Katie. Katie and Macy"

Oh god, she's one of those people who get really excited over such small things.

Please Lord help me.

 So she's finally at NYU! What do you think of Katie? Please vote, comment and fan!

Never Be What You Want (Cameron Hurley/We Are The In Crowd Romance)Where stories live. Discover now